The teacher warns: – If they cannot do it, so will the rest of the country


On Friday, the Oslo municipality introduced new and strict measures to limit the spread of the infection in the capital. The measures involve, among other things, giving up drinking completely, banning indoor events and little social contact.

The measures apply from Monday.

NTNU professor of social medicine Steinar Westin tells Dagbladet that it is important for Norway to monitor the infection situation in Oslo.

– Many of us have been concerned about what we have seen about the pressure of infections in Oslo. For Norway, it is essential that Oslo manages to keep the infection low. If they don’t, so will the rest of the country. It’s absolutely crucial, but it’s possibly too latesays Westin.

Read also: The Oslo Health Council: – Specific measures are no longer enough

– I should have applied the emergency brake earlier

In October, 1,885 cases of infection were registered in the city, compared with 1,290 in March.

– We have seen the drawing and we should have put on the emergency brake earlier, Westin tells Dagbladet.

At a press conference on Friday, Oslo City Council Leader Raymond Johansen rejected that the municipality could have prevented the social lockdown by introducing measures earlier.

– This is really something that I think is silly, Johansen told NTB.

Read also: Høie: Measures in Oslo and Bergen are necessary

Two explanations

A few weeks ago, the leader of the Oslo city council had a strong public dispute with the Minister of Health and Care Services Bent Høie (H) and the Norwegian Directorate of Health, who lobbied strongly for Oslo to tighten the control measures of infections At that moment, Oslo held back.

But Johansen insists that this is not where the explanation for the situation that has arisen now lies.

Johansen points to two explanations for why the infection has increased.

One explanation is the increase in infection in people in their 20s and, in part, in people under 20 as well, due to non-compliance with infection control rules in these groups.

The second explanation is the import infection.
