The Supreme Court has ruled that three judges are incompetent in the climate lawsuit – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


The state thought several of the justices were incompetent in the climate lawsuit that will be filed with the Supreme Court next week.

The court has ruled that three of them are incompetent.

The country’s supreme court will assess whether the state violated the Constitution when it granted new oil licenses in the Arctic. It is Greenpeace and Nature and Youth, with grandparents’ climate action as the party’s helper, who have complained to the court.

The plaintiffs lost the case in both the district court and the court of appeal.

Incompetent judges

Judge Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen is known to be incompetent because she is married to Eirik Akerlie, who was a judge in the same case on the Court of Appeal.

Judge Hilde Indreberg is incompetent because she was part of the committee that prepared section 112 of the Constitution, and it is this section that forms the basis of the climate lawsuit.

The Supreme Court is divided over the third judge, Ragnhild Noer. But most conclude that it is incompetent because of its environmental commitment.

Noer participated in Alta’s campaign and received a fine that he served in prison. He has also been a member and active member of Natur og Ungdom and Naturvernforbundet, and has been a member of the steering committees of the environmental organizations WCEL and GJIE.

The Supreme Court, on the other hand, does not believe that Kine Elisabeth Steinsvik is incompetent. The judge’s father-in-law was a member of one of the organizations that is a party assistant in the case.

Ingrid Skjoldvær and Truls Gulowsen

APPLICANT TO THE STATE: Former Nature and Youth Leader Ingrid Skjoldvær and then Greenpeace Leader Truls Gulowsen when the climate lawsuit started.

Photo: Kristine Hirsti / NRK
