The State Prosecutor has full confidence in the police in the Lørenskog case


Anne-Elisabeth Hagen’s children are very critical of the police handling of the Lørenskog case. They believe that his murderous father, Tom Hagen, is innocent. They no longer have confidence in the investigators working on the case and have therefore asked new police officers about the case. Tom Hagen’s defender Svein Holden has also rebuked the police.

The Eastern Police District has rejected criticism from both the family and the lawyer. They are now fully backed by the prosecution.

Oriented on the road

– The prosecutor has full confidence in the investigative leadership in the Lørenskog case. The research has been widely applied since its inception, which it still is. Police have drawn up and confirmed the charges in the case, and the investigation continues. Incidentally, it is not uncommon for the accused and his defense to have a completely different view of the police investigation from that of the prosecution, Kirsti Guttormsen at the Oslo State Prosecutor’s Office tells TV 2.

The prosecutor is well aware of the type of evidence the police have.

– It is the police that carry out the investigations and decide on the use of coercive means. But I have received regular reports on the progress of the investigation, and in this regard I participated in meetings with the investigation leadership. Such follow-up by the Attorney General is natural in such a serious criminal case where extensive and resource-intensive investigations are conducted, Kirsti Guttormsen tells TV 2.

– Don’t look wide

The lawyer Ståle Kihle helps Tom Hagen’s children. He previously told TV 2 that they want others and new eyes to come in and see the matter.

– My clients have, and have had, a basic trust in the police and the rule of law, but in this case they see no breadth in the investigation. The criticism of the children is that they feel that the police have locked themselves up on a trail.
