– The state is big enough


– It is completely misunderstood that the left should be in favor of more taxes. It wasn’t like Martin Tranmæl used slogans about “higher taxes for the people,” says Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, who ends the talk that taxes and fees will go up if he’s lucky enough to win the trust of voters next year .

– Our basic attitude is that taxes and fees are an expense for people. We want that expense to be as small as possible for individuals and businesses. The state has become more than enough, it continues.

The Center Party leader is finally ready to present the party’s alternative budget for 2021 until the deadline set by the Finance Committee.

While other parties have presented their alternatives for a longer time and the government parties and the Progress Party are negotiating, Vedum and the other leaders of the SP have traveled everywhere and talked to the people.

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Opens for EEA rematch

Less taxes than Erna

The people’s answer is clear: this is not the time to increase the tax burden in Norway. Instead, Vedum offers a real fiscal impact to the ruling parties and the left.

In 2021, the Center Party proposes that the state collect 2.75 billion less in taxes and fees than what the government wants under Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Finance Minister Jan Tore Sanner of the Conservative Party.

– When we have a lower general level of taxes and tariffs than the government, it is because a large part of Norwegian companies are struggling. It is important that we pass half of the VAT for tourism, which the government initially did not want. We have always believed that the reintroduction of the air passenger tax was a mistake. We also want to keep the depreciation rules more favorable.

– If you have money to spare, it should be more profitable to keep jobs running, says Vedum.

The entire alternative of the Center Party will be presented at a press conference on Thursday, but Dagbladet has received the key figures from the budget, which has been titled “ALL NORWAY.”

  • The total level of taxes and duties is reduced by NOK 2.75 billion.
  • Lower income tax for everyone who earns less than 750,000. If you earn 2 million, there will be about 30,000 more in taxes.
  • Some increase in wealth tax.
  • Lower taxes on cross-border goods.
  • Increase in deductions for travelers, people living in barracks and union dues.

Tregest på Tinget “href =” https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/ber-vedum-vise-kortene/73090751 “>

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New record:
Slower in Parliament

10 billion less than the Labor Party

At the same time, the Center Party is increasing its use of oil money, but believes that its alternative responds to Norway’s challenges up to the revised budget in May / June. The government, for its part, has already announced that there may be new crisis packages in the new year.

– The government has held a press conference almost every three weeks with a new financial measure. Now both companies and affected people must have predictability. Our goal has been to present a document with what we believe is the best possible medicine for the next six months, says Vedum.

On the traditional axis from right to left, the litmus test itself is the level of taxes. The Center Party is now “to the right” of the government parties with only the Progress Party’s offensive proposal to cut taxes on cross-border products to the Swedish level outside itself.

At the same time, they are far from possible left-wing coalition parties. The Labor Party has made a fiscal promise in which it protects the general level of taxes and duties for ordinary people, but increases the total tax burden by more than seven billion due to increases in the estate tax in its alternative budget.

That’s NOK 10 billion difference between the Center Party and Labor Party tax plan for next year.

The fiscal struggle

SV, for its part, proposes tax and fee increases of 18 billion, but ensures that three out of four Norwegians receive lower taxes. But the SV is a party in which the Center Party has no plans to join the government, something Vedum always tries to establish.

– A government based on SP-Labor is by far the best. So we have the opportunity for a constructive and realistic trade policy that secures jobs, says Vedum, and takes Dagbladet to a slightly more recent story:

– For many years we have been left alone when we have criticized the government tax increases. We have stood alone and criticized the air passenger tax, the plastic bag tax, the sugar tax increase and the electricity tax increase. Taxes that affect people with lower income and jobs in Norway.

– The Labor Party has started to get closer to us. Fortunately, says Vedum.


Prime Minister Erna Solberg and former Finance Minister Siv Jensen have cut the tax level by 25-30 billion since 2013.

The Center Party continues everything. And they want more down.

– What does this budget mean for how the Center Party sees the next four years?

– This is completely indicative.

– When you say that the state is more than big enough now, then it will probably also be big enough for the next four years, so is the tax level already high enough?

– Yeah, I’m basically serious. So there may be some adjustments, but we are not aiming to increase the tax level. On the contrary, we believe that ordinary people should get relief, says Vedum.
