The SP will reopen the police stations and provide billions in transfers to the districts


In front of VG, the leader of the party’s program committee, Marit Arnstad, unveils the committee’s proposal for a new district policy in the coming years.

– It is a struggle for the survival of many communities in the district: it is constantly going the wrong way: a constant flow of people moving towards the cities.

Small airports and other vital services will be closed. For this reason, it is necessary with measures directed directly to the districts, he tells the newspaper.

No local hospital will be closed

Among the measures proposed by the Sp program committee to create growth in distri

ktene, are: reopening of police stations in the municipalities that request it, guarantee that no local hospitals will be closed, reduced corporate tax for district businesses, NOK 12 billion for so-called rural growth agreements, local wind energy taxes, reduced tourist VAT and 100% band coverage wide either through 5G or fiber.

Positive right to various SP proposals

The leader of the Conservative Party work program, District Minister and Digitization, Linda Hofstad Helleland, is positive about part of Sp’s proposal. She points out that the government is already working on several of the proposals.

In addition, she believes that it will be difficult to obtain a majority for SP district policy with the MDGs on the team, from which a new red-green government will likely have to seek support.

A full draft of the new party schedule for the Center Party will be ready on October 1. The policy for the period of the Storting 2021-2025 will be adopted at the national meeting of Sp in mid-March next year.
