The situation of the crown is exhausting teachers in Oslo: more than 800 cannot work


841 employees of the Oslo school are “unavailable” and unable to work. It appears in a new report from the Emergency Management Agency in Oslo, writes Aftenposten.

The report provides an overview of how things are going in areas where the crown affects township services. According to the report, the situation in schools and kindergartens, among other things, is cause for concern.

It shows that eleven kindergartens are closed or have wards closed due to infection or quarantine, that substitutes are demanding, and that many kindergartens are understaffed.

It is also a matter of concern that several vulnerable groups are struggling. Child welfare services report various cases of mental health problems and concerns about illness in some youth settings. Also, shelters report difficult situations in various areas. The fact that unemployment is increasing is also on the list of concerns.

But not everything is black in the capital, according to the report.

According to the report, residents largely follow infection control rules and the growth of infections has leveled off.
