The situation of the crown in Oslo: – – No action plans on Monday


– There is cause for concern in the current situation. But I emphasize that it is possible to take control, says health director Bjørn Guldvog at the Norwegian Health Directorate in Dagbladet.

On Friday, the Norwegian Health Directorate and the NIPH presented a package of measures for 14 days to reduce the number of infections in the capital, where all 15 districts are in the red.

On Saturday afternoon, the Oslo city council management met to assess the situation, but then they had to wait.

WORRIED: Health director Bjørn Guldvog says there are reasons to be concerned about the situation in Oslo. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB
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Considering national measures

On Sunday, Health Minister Bent Høie told Aftenposten that they are considering reviewing the Oslo City Council with national measures, if they do not follow up on new advice from the health authorities.

– I am very concerned about the situation in Oslo and I hope that the city council will place great emphasis on the professional recommendation of the Norwegian Health Directorate, he tells the newspaper.

BE ABLE TO TRY: Health Minister Bent Høie says the government will take action if Oslo does not. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB
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Guldvog says there is now a risk that Oslo will lose control.

– There is considerable uncertainty associated with the infection situation in Oslo. Therefore, we believe that it is preferable to respond with clear measures from the beginning, than to wait and see how it goes. There is a certain risk that we will lose control, and then it is much more demanding to reduce the number of infections, says Guldvog.

Guldvog was reprimanded

Guldvog was reprimanded

– Waiting in advance

– What do you think that Oslo did not introduce the measures yesterday?

– I know that Oslo is considering this now, and we have said that we recommend that the measures be implemented as soon as possible. We look forward to what happens tomorrow.

– Do you think Oslo will introduce the measures?

– I hope they do. At least part of this, says the health director.

However, Council Member Raymond Johansen tells Dagbladet they have no plans to introduce new measures on Monday.

– We have no plans to introduce new measures tomorrow. Now we introduced measurements last Monday, and first we need to see if it works.

This is how they solve the mystery of the infection

This is how they solve the mystery of the infection

I think it’s too early

Johansen says the city council was informed about the recommended measures at 8:16 p.m. on Friday night.

– To agree that we will introduce strict measures when the autumn holidays start in Oslo and the numbers will probably decrease, and many people from Oslo have moved to the cabin elsewhere, where both the infection situation is different as there are other measures, there will be a great communication job.

– We must have some time to see that the measures we have introduced work. We see that infection rates have dropped a bit, but we are prepared to introduce more measures if necessary, says Johansen.

CROWN: Health director Bjørn Guldvog warns in this interview against possible double infections, something for which he has been heavily criticized. Reporter: Frode Andresen. Video: Embla Hjort-Larsen / Dagbladet TV
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– Continuously evaluate

– Are they provoking you?

– We have always been tough and introduced strict measures. The handling of Oslo is a great success for Norway. We were the epicenter and introduced tougher measures than recommended, among other things regarding the discharge. They do not provoke me, and I see these are a good contribution, and we are continually considering implementing more measures, says Johansen, adding:

– But do it tomorrow, in the middle of the fall break … We may need those measures later, but we need to let the ones we present on Monday go further in time.

Stockholm: almost doubling the cases of infection

Stockholm: nearly doubling cases of infection

Johansen says he shares the concern with health authorities, but that the new measures appear to be working and therefore believes it is too early to toughen them up further.

– Many people are very tired of the measures, and I kept quiet last week to reintroduce more stringent measures. We are concerned that the measures we propose are understood, and that they are adequate and correct. In the last 24 hours, we’ve had 34 new infections, so it’s down a bit now at the end of the week, so we’ll see tomorrow, says Johansen.

INFECT: At today’s press conference, Health Minister Bent Høie emphasized that Oslo is at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus.
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The Norwegian Directorate of Health and the NIPH recommend that Oslo introduce the following measures:

  • Prohibition of private meetings of more than five people. This will not apply to people living in the same household. Today, private gatherings of more than ten people are prohibited in Oslo.
  • That admission to the nightclubs will stop at 10pm.
  • Intensified control of restaurants, to ensure compliance with infection control advice, among other aspects in terms of distance inside and queuing outside.
  • Banning of events in secondary schools and universities that are not related to teaching.
  • Order for the home office for everyone who can.
  • Strengthen compliance with the use of face masks in public transport in and to / from Oslo
WHO: - Going the wrong way

WHO: – Going the wrong way

Guldvog is aware that it is the local authorities who have the most knowledge about the situation in Oslo and that there must be room for adjustments.

– But it is in this direction that we believe that the measures should be fine-tuned now, he says.

– The background is that the spread of the infection in Oslo is now the most important factor in the epidemic in Norway. We also see in Europe that it is the capitals that are the centers of the greatest spread of the infection and therefore it is important that Norway also take measures to prevent the infection from spreading from Oslo to the rest of the country.
