– The situation is still very vulnerable – VG


WARNING: Although the trend for infection is now decreasing, Nakstad cautions that the situation remains vulnerable. Photo: Krister Sørbø

VG calculations now show that Norway has a downward infection trend. This indicates that national and local infection measures have an effect, says deputy health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad.

A total of 34,748 infected people have been registered in Norway. In the last 24 hours, 480 new cases of infection have been reported nationwide.

This is 20 cases less than the average per day in the last week, which is 500.

The number of new cases of infection has recently decreased: on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday there were 418, 534 and 551 cases.

The calculation of the VG trend therefore shows that Norway now, for the first time since a single day on August 19, has a downward trend of infection.

– This is good news for all of us at a time when we are tired of the entire pandemic and the infection control measures we live with every day. I hope it gives us motivation to continue, so that we reduce the infection further before Christmas and winter come, Deputy Director of Health Espen Rostrup Nakstad tells VG.

Vulnerable situation

According to Nakstad, the downward trend in infection means first and foremost that what everyone does to limit social contacts and follow other basic infection control rules has an effect.

– Why is the trend decreasing now?

– In recent weeks, a series of infection control measures have been implemented, both at the national level and in the largest cities. Obviously this has had an effect, says Nakstad.

Read also: Extends social lockdown in Oslo

He believes that the numbers will continue to fall if everyone continues to follow infection control rules. Still, there are reasons to be cautious.

– The situation is still very vulnerable. It doesn’t take long before the arrows are pointing up again, Nakstad warns.

Therefore, he thinks it is very important that we hold out for a few more weeks with the additional infection control measures that were introduced in early November.

– In addition, of course, we must continue to do what is most important, that is, stay home when we are sick and examine ourselves for new symptoms. Then we can take many steps in the right direction, says Nakstad.

Despite the fact that the infection trend at the national level is now considered to be decreasing, 25 municipalities still have an increasing infection trend.

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