– The situation is serious – VG


CONCERNED: Stockholm Region Health and Hospitals Director Björn Eriksson. Photo: Janerik Henriksson / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY

The number of hospital admissions is increasing considerably in the Swedish capital. – We must act now, says health director Björn Eriksson to VG.

– The situation in Stockholm is serious at the moment, says the director of health and hospitals in the Stockholm region, Björn Eriksson to VG.

In just three days, the number of COVID-19 patients admitted to Stockholm County has risen from 148 to 203. As of Friday, more than 3,000 have tested positive. 20 patients receive intensive care.

The Swedish Health Director emphasizes to VG that the situation is not as serious as this spring. At that time, 1,100 patients were admitted to the hospital with COVID-19 and 230 received intensive care.

– But if we want to reduce the spread of infection, we must act now, says Eriksson.

Too many close contacts

When asked why the Stockholm region is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of new cases of infection, the health director responds:

– Too many have close contact with each other. I mean, the social distancing we had this spring must return.

Ericsson claims that the burden due to COVID-19 has increased in hospitals as a result of the spread of the infection.

– It is something that we notice and some hospitals have a higher burden than others. That’s why we now hold daily meetings to see how different parts of the healthcare system can contribute to the ability to care for all patients, says Ericsson.

– You will see a greater need for health services

He emphasizes that they have a better understanding of the virus now than they did this spring.

– We know better how to treat patients and we are prepared for a greater need for health services. We believe that we now have good capacity and the goal is that the capacity of the health service is always one step ahead of the need for health services, he says.

– It is clear that with an increasing spread of infection, we will also see a continuous increase in the need for health services in the future, says Ericsson and continues:

– So now we go out and point out the seriousness of the situation and encourage people to follow the advice and recommendations of the Public Health Authority.

Tight measurements

On Thursday last week, the Swedish authorities introduced new corona measures in the Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Östergötland regions.

Residents of these regions are now being asked to avoid staying indoors in public places such as shopping malls, museums, libraries, swimming pools and gyms, the Public Health Authority stated at Thursday’s press conference.

The advice also applies to events such as concerts and sporting events. Children born after 2005 can still participate in sports training.

Tegnell: – We are approaching a critical point

The new measures came after Sweden registered new cases of infection on Wednesday 1980. This was the highest number of cases of infection recorded in the country since the pandemic broke out.

During a news conference on Tuesday last week, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said the next few weeks will be tough.

– We are beginning to approach a critical point. It has not caused any deaths so far, but we are beginning to approach a critical point, Tegnell said.

So far, a total of 124,355 infected and 5,938 deaths have been recorded in Sweden, according to the VG summary.

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