– The situation in March was four to five times worse than today – VG


The government is tightening its control after a steady rise in corona infections. However, both the National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Health Directorate reject that the situation is as dramatic as this spring.

– Norway does not have a new national wave now, and the situation is much less dramatic than in March, emphasizes the National Institute of Public Health.

Infection in Norway is increasing, and it emerged on Tuesday that in the last 24 hours there have never been so many people infected in the country in one day since the pandemic began. In Oslo, 106 new cases of corona were registered, and nationally a total of 434 cases, according to VG Crown Summary.

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CONCERNED: Espen Rostrup Nakstad from the Norwegian Health Directorate says the current situation is not as bad as in March, but remains concerned. Photo: Heiko Junge

The deputy director of the Norwegian Health Directorate, Espen Rostrup Nakstad, says the situation is now worrying, but nevertheless emphasizes that the outlook for infection in Norway is not as dramatic as it was this spring.

The situation in mid-March was four to five times higher in terms of infections and hospitalizations. But it is development that is concerning, as it is increasing with us as dramatically as it is. This means that it is now that we have the opportunity to turn it around.

Matter of concern

Nakstad says the increase in infection is part of a trend seen in recent weeks, and he is not surprised by the record number of infections on Tuesday.

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– No wonder when you start to climb, you increase the climb a bit. But there is no question that we now have a significantly higher level of infection than a month ago, he says.

SHOW THE ASSUMED INFECTION NOW AND THIS SPRING: This red line in the graph shows an average number of cases of infection detected in Norway, while the blue line shows the estimated number of infected. Therefore, the graph shows that FHI assumes that there were significantly more infected in the spring than was discovered, whereas now many more are being discovered and that the number of unknown infected is much less than six months ago. Photo: National Institute of Public Health

The government is expected to introduce a series of new measures on Monday that apply to the entire population. Among them is the recommendation that you should have no more than five guests at home, that you should only have 50 participants at private events, and that everyone should reduce the number of people with whom they are in close contact.

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– It’s not that dramatic at the moment, because in March we tested maybe only a tenth of all those who were sick, now we tested and will probably find half of them, he tells VG.

It was worse this spring

In its letter to the government, which is the basis of the measures, the National Institute of Public Health stresses that the situation is much less dramatic today than this spring.

Camilla Stoltenberg of the National Institute of Public Health says that at the time there were at least 3,000 import cases that started a rapidly growing epidemic.

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– It’s an advantage to be careful. We must prevent a situation in Norway like the one we see in more and more European countries where they now have a new wave of covid-19: the number of hospital admissions is increasing, intensive care capacity is under increasing pressure and the number of deaths is increasing. recommendations to the government.

Increase in infection in Europe

At the same time that infection is increasing in Norway, several European countries are constantly experiencing new records of infection; some of the countries have a second wave in full swing. In the last 14 days, Poland has registered about 130,000 new infections, Spain more than 200,000 and France more than 460,000 new infections, according to the corona survey of VG.

Nakstad says that infection in neighboring countries also means that in Norway we must take steps not to end up in the same situation.

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– If we now wait a week or two or three, then we may be in a completely different situation, and then we are not really that far off than we were in early March, he says.

Remember that when Norway closed on March 12 this year, there were only 14 patients in Norwegian hospitals. Today the number exceeds 50.

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