The school board on the salary increase for school principals: – It is not my responsibility


Principals with a million salary received a salary increase of up to 14 percent, while teachers are asked to show restraint at the Oslo school. – It is not my responsibility, responds Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV), councilor for education and knowledge.

Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV), Councilor for Education and Knowledge of the Municipality of Oslo. Photo: Vidar Ruud

– You knew about this?Hallstein Bjercke of the Liberal Party asked the city councilor on oral question time during the city council meeting in Oslo on Wednesday.

– The answer is no, Thorkildsen replied.

As usual, since the crown arrived in March, the meeting was held as a video meeting and not at city hall.

Bjercke had appeared on several questions in Wednesday’s Dagbladet article and used words like “pay party” repeatedly about the directors’ pay increase.

26 directors

According to the newspaper, some directors, who already had a million salaries, received a salary increase of up to 14.7 percent this year. Six directors received salary increases, which means that they now have annual salaries of between 1.1 and 1.2 million crowns.

In total, there are now 26 directors in the agency, according to Dagbladet.

The Education Agency leadership explains the salary increases by saying that the leaders in question have been given a broader area of ​​responsibility.

Bjercke referred to the contrasts within the Oslo school:

– Not only has the number of directors increased, their salaries have also increased. For some of them with more than 14 percent. In a month the salary settlement of teachers will begin, where they will be encouraged to show restraint in a time of crisis.

Teachers have been offered a 1.7 percent pay increase.

– It is not my responsibility

– All matters related to salary determination are delegated to the agency director (Marte Gerhardsen, editor’s note). It is not something I interfere with or have responsibility for, as it was not when Hallstein Bjercke was a city councilor, Inga Marte Thorkildsen replied.

The school board added:

– I do not want to comment on it, except that I have had a dialogue to find out what is described in Dagbladet. What I can say is that a minority have received a salary increase, which is linked to increased responsibility during a period of reorganization.

Recently Thorkildsen went to VG and told him about a difficult financial situation at the Oslo school.

– We have no room for maneuver, he said then.

Inga Marte Thorkildsen designates Director of Education Marte Gerhardsen as the person responsible for the principals’ salary increase. Photograph: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

But Hallstein Bjercke did not finish:

– What they have told us is that the directors of the agency have raised 6 and 7 salary steps, some have raised up to 140,000 crowns. It is not musical when teachers are encouraged to have low expectations. Was the city council aware of this salaried party and was it the right priority?

“Once again, I would like to point out that everything related to salary determination is up to the director, and that is not something for which I am responsible,” Inga Marte Thorkildsen replied.

Education Director Marte Gerhardsen has not responded to Dagbladet’s questions about the case.
