The “rule of ten” created total confusion


“The number of contacts during a week should not exceed ten people in social settings, in addition to household members, and kindergarten and primary school cohorts.”

This was City Councilor Raymond Johansen’s call to the citizens of Oslo on Monday.

This means that as a resident of the capital in the future, you should not meet with more than ten people in the course of a week.

What the so-called “rule of ten” includes, who is considered a contact, who is exempt from the rule, and how long can they be with someone before a contact is considered, however, there was total confusion during the conference calls. today’s press.

These are the new measures

These are the new measures


It all started with the confusion around the ten people you can meet this week, including colleagues in the workplace. Here, City Councilman Raymond Johansen first answered yes. Then he turned.

– This applies in private social contexts outside the home, Johansen told Dagbladet, emphasizing that colleagues are not among the 10 contacts.

Camilla Stoltenberg, director of FHI, says that we are likely to have a further spread of the infection, despite the new measures.
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“Contact” or “close contact”?

Then there was confusion about the rule of ten applied to “contacts” or “close contacts”.

According to the health authorities, a “close contact” is defined as follows:

“Close contact in this regulation means contact with other people at a distance of less than two meters for more than 15 minutes, direct physical contact or direct contact with other people’s secretions.”

Squeeze sharply

Squeeze sharply

Does it have to be a close contact to be one of the Oslo resident’s ten contacts this week? Or is it less what is needed?

– If you have a nice long conversation with those at the box at the corner Joker store, I’m not sure if it will be calculated as one of ten. But it is not something that is going to be an order in the sense that the police come, and precise accounts must be kept, responds the leader of the town hall.

– Not many “close contacts”

Prime Minister Erna Solberg also seemed confused about the use of the term when she used the word “close contact”, and not the term “contact” when she mentioned the new measure.

STRICT MEASURES: On Monday, October 26, the government introduced strict new corona measures. Reporter: Frode Andresen. Video: Agusta Magnusdottir / Dagbladet TV
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– This is not a rule for work, it is a rule for leisure contacts. At work we have distance, we practice two meters of distance. You are not defined as close contact when you practice from two meters away. So my social life is quite limited, there are not many close contacts and people I know outside of it, the prime minister told Dagbladet after the government press conference.

Exceptions to the rule

Oslo Health Council Robert Steen pointed out that the new rule is not possible for everyone either.

Among other things, children at school and health personnel have many close contacts.

Volunteering sucks

Volunteering sucks

– This rule of ten throughout the week has an exception, and they are the cohorts of which you are part. Your kindergarten cohort, your elementary school cohort, your work cohort. This is exempt from rule ten. So we try to get a practical approach that makes us open society as much as possible. We can live our normal lives, but at the same time we try to find limitations that prevent the infection from getting out of control, Steen tells Dagbladet.

– Within the rule of ten all the time

The health council says that they are hardening because many do not comply with current regulations. It refers to a conversation you had with someone you describe as a friend in your 20s.

– He told me: Being with ten people is not a problem. We start with ten. Then six passes after an hour, and there are six new ones. We are within the rule of ten all the time, Steen says of the conversation.

MEASUREMENTS: Raymon Johansen presented new measures to prevent infection in Oslo.
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He points out that this is why the Oslo municipality now chooses to toughen up.

– There are a number of people who are creative in relation to the old rules, and that is what we are now trying to give a sign of. We say we can still be ten pieces together, but we can’t drive and replace all ten all the time. This is what the rule tries to point out. You can’t always try to make new friends and think you’re within our infection control rules, he explains.

High cancellations

The Minister of Health, Bent Høie, is aware that it will not be a problem to comply with the new measure.

– I intend to comply with that measure. This means that there are some things that you had planned in November that will not happen. It’s sad, of course, but that’s the way it is, Høie tells Dagbladet.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg also doesn’t think complying with the rule is a problem.

– In fact, I know very few people in private. Last week I had probably stayed at the border as well, Solberg answers Dagbladet’s questions.

Giant Nightlife Desparations: - Heavy Lead

Giant Nightlife Desparations: – Heavy Lead

Private vs. job

The director of the National Institute of Public Health, Camilla Stoltenberg, thinks it would have been more dramatic if the measure had also

– What do you think of Solberg and Høie saying that they know each other better at work? Isn’t it the same if you meet people in private or at work?

– It is more dramatic to limit meeting people at work, because it often means that you cannot do your job if you cannot meet people in a work context. Now you also limit it to a lot, and for me I don’t find that many physically at work either.

Stoltenberg says the infection occurs to a greater extent in private settings than in work settings, with the exception of some types of jobs.

71 aircraft infected in two weeks

71 aircraft infected in two weeks

– Little contact

Health director Bjørn Guldvog also believes the rule would have been more difficult to enforce if it had also been applied at work.

– It would have been demanding if it was about the work situation, but this applies to private matters, and then it will be fine for me too. Actually, I have very little contact these days beyond what I have during work hours, Guldvog tells Dagbladet.

– Also at work you have to be very attentive, keep the natural counter and be careful with infection control measures, and think about whether there are other infection control measures at the local level that you should take into account, he concludes.
