– The reasoning must be good – VG


Lisbeth Hammer Krog, is the speaker at Bærum. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB

Nordre Follo, Lillestrøm and Drammen choose the same crown line as Oslo. Asker and Bærum also introduce strict measures, but do not follow the capital.

The Bærum municipality discussed the matter in an extraordinary meeting of the presidency on Monday afternoon. Starting at midnight on Tuesday night, the measures will go into effect.

Together with Asker, they stop closing gyms and introducing bar stops to nightclubs. Health director Bjørn Guldvog emphasizes to Budstikka that they had recommended nationally that gyms close.

– Closing, or limiting activity in gyms, is something we recommend nationwide. “Here we have the expectation that the municipalities will follow up,” Guldvog tells the newspaper.

– You can also take locally provided assessments when it comes to gyms. Asker and Bærum may have other information than what we have. But the reason for not following this recommendation should be a good one, says the health director.

Local infection situation

– We have taken the measures in Oslo as our starting point, while at the same time, in accordance with the guidelines of the government and the health authorities, we will base our situation on local infection. This means that the Bærum measurements in some areas differ somewhat from those of Oslo. There has been a close and good dialogue with other municipalities in the capital region, says Mayor Lisbeth Hammer Krog (H) in a press release.

The municipal chief doctor Frantz Leonard Nilsen wanted, among other things, to close the gyms. The Norwegian Health Directorate also recommended Bærum to continue to Oslo. He did not support City Manager Geir B. Aga.

– However, the development of the infection is also very worrying at the local level. In some areas, even stronger measures are seen to be needed in Bærum than in Oslo, he said before treatment.

Bærum’s measures include a ban on organized training and other leisure activities for adults.

Followed by Asker

All indoor events without fixed seating in fixed seating will also be prohibited, but up to 200 people at indoor events are still allowed to have those seats.

The requirements for face masks are strict so that they always apply, regardless of distance, for public transportation, taxis, and indoors in all public places, with the exception of guests in restaurants.

There is a limit of ten people in all private gatherings outside private homes, both indoors and outdoors. Nightclubs can let people in until 10pm, but they must close the restaurant at midnight.

The municipality of Asker also took up the case on Monday and chose the same line as Bærum.

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Lillestrøm and Drammen continue to Oslo

The presidency in Lillestrøm decided on Monday to introduce a series of intrusive crown measures. Now a bar stop is being introduced and all cultural activities are stopped.

– It makes more sense to introduce the same measures as other municipalities in and around Oslo. The measures are highly intrusive, but unfortunately also absolutely necessary, said FRP policymaker Anette Elseth at Monday’s presidential meeting, according to Romerikes Blad.

Lillestrøm has decided to ban indoor events, with the exception of funerals and funerals. At the same time, the gyms and all the businesses where cultural and leisure activities take place are closed, with the exception of the libraries. There will also be stops at grassroots sports for adults and indoor leisure activities for adults such as choir and choir.

Lillestrøm is in the same line of action as Oslo. Photo: Jon Olav Nesvold / NTB

Infection in sport and exercise.

The crown’s measures were also discussed by the presidency at Nordre Follo on Monday. There, measures were adopted that follow what Oslo has introduced. This includes the closing of gyms and cinemas.

According to Østlandets Blad, the measures apply from midnight to Tuesday.

Among the measures is a limit of ten people in private events and, with some exceptions, a ban on indoor events.

– There are specific situations of infection in gyms and sports. I understand this may sound unreasonable, but we know there is a spread of infection in these fields, said municipal chief physician Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold according to Oavis.no.

Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold is Nordre Follo’s municipal chief physician. Here he is during a press conference on the status of the crown. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB

– Do not go to the neighboring municipality

Oslo residents should not go to Bærum to exercise and drink beer, Health Minister Bent Høie (H) said after Monday’s press conference on the status of the crown.

– Not right, answered questions from NTB about what he thinks of the people of Oslo who seem to be able to go to neighboring municipalities to train and go to the pub when the bar stops and the gyms close in the capital until Tuesday night.

– We are now working to ensure that the surrounding municipalities have the same rules as much as possible. I experience that many municipalities are prepared for this, and I hope that these rules will be as similar as possible during the day and in the coming days, said the Minister of Health.

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