The prosecutor has hastily received a report on Bertheussen’s trip to the US.


Laila advocates Anita Bertheussen recently documented that she has walked a lot at night. On Friday, the prosecution said these measures were taken in the United States. It is late when it is night in Norway.

Laila Anita Bertheussen in room 250 of the Oslo District Court. Photo: Egil Nyhus

Laila Anita Bertheussen’s health app on Iphone has been repeatedly mentioned in court 250 of the Oslo District Court.

The app recorded footsteps at night both when the couple’s car was disassembled in December 2018, and when Bertheussen and Wara’s car caught fire on the night of March 10 last year.

The prosecution believes the steps show that Bertheussen was active when the incidents occurred. Therefore, the Armed Forces have documented that Bertheussen has also taken many steps at night other nights.

Following the military documentation of the night crossings, the prosecution urgently ordered a report from the PST. The report was ready Thursday night. After the lunch break on Friday, Police Superintendent Martin Bøyum at PST presented the report to the court.

The Armed Forces have previously shown step data from, among other things, December 27, 2014. Bøyum prepared documentation that he was in Florida that day. Bøyum has even featured photos of New York on New Year’s Eve, four days later.

Due to a six to nine hour time difference between Norway and the US, depending on where you are in the US, the prosecution believes that the measures were taken early in the evening.

The passing data for February 2015 were also presented by the Armed Forces. PST has now documented that Bertheussen was in Mexico during that period. Mexico is in the same time zones as the United States.

Regarding the movement one night in mid-April 2015, the PST found no explanation.

Also in July 2018, Bertheussen was in the US That explains why the footsteps were recorded on his cell phone at night.

Defender Bernt Heiberg then produced a long list of dates that were shown to be nightly activity on the Bertheussen health app.

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