The police used tear gas – VG


OSLO (VG) Several hundred counter-protesters showed up when the anti-Islamic organization SIAN organized a “violent party” in Oslo outside the Storting on Saturday.

A small group of counter-protesters repeatedly tried to tear down the fences that had been put up to separate them from the SIAN speakers.

The atmosphere heated up even more when SIAN member Fanny Bråten tore to pieces and spat pages of the Koran in front of counter-protesters outside the Storting.

– Look now, now I will desecrate the Qur’an, he said before starting to tear out pages and spit on them, reports NTB.

Several counter-protesters broke the barriers and tried to reach the profile of SIAN. One of them managed to reach Bråten and was kicked in the leg, before the police charged.

The wreck was on the ground for a while and before ambulance personnel helped her up.

Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, taking hundreds of protesters away by truck.

Police shot down several counter-protesters after breaking through the barricades. Bråten has previously been charged and acquitted of hate speech.

After the Quran stunt, the three police cars were attacked by the crowd. People banged on windows and threw chairs, bottles, iron bars, cans, eggs, and rocks at cars. People also climbed on the roof of the police car.

Several counter-protesters also attacked the fences and the police used tear gas to seize control.

VG spoke with Task Leader Torgeir Brenden at 3 p.m. That was before the police cars were attacked by the crowd. Brenden tells VG that the police were forced to end the SIAN marking earlier than planned due to the danger to life and health.

– It started to be relatively massive throwing stones and iron bars at the police. At the risk of both third parties, those who spoke and their own staff, we chose to cancel the demonstration because we do not want to further aggravate this situation.

The leader of the task says that the police did not want to go to the step of using tear gas, but had to use the means of force.

– We used it on purpose against people who crashed into the fence.

Just after 4 PM, the police wrote on Twitter that the demonstration ended at 3 PM, but they are still working on riots and riots around the city center in the wake of the demonstration.

Brenden says that no one has been injured and that so far four people have been arrested.

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