The police stopped the party


40 people are said to have attended a party in Nannestad.

– The police have broken up a private party in a well-located room. There were about 40 people present, both adults and children. The police report the matter, the East police report on Twitter.

Nannestad Municipality follows national measures and councils.

Private meetings outside one’s home can be held with a maximum of 20 people present, it says on the website of the Norwegian Health Directorate. This presupposes, among other things, that it is possible to maintain a distance of one meter, implement measures that contribute to the absence of patients, that allow good hygiene to be maintained.

– 20 is the limit. If you are a bit interested in following the development of covid, then you have it with you, operations manager Terje Marstad tells Nettavisen.

At the moment, it’s unclear what kind of punishment or fines party-loving people can expect:

– We create a case for violation of Covid regulations, and then a prosecution assessment is also performed.

According to participants in the party, it was a birthday event, says Marstad.


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