The parties to the bus strike have resumed mediation – E24


At 2:00 pm the mediation between the parties resumed.

Jon Olav Nesvold / NTB scanpix


It occurs after the parties were summoned by the Ombudsman on Tuesday afternoon, for a meeting that took place at 12 on Wednesday. The purpose was to find out if there was a basis for resuming the dialogue: the parties have not had contact since the strike broke out ten days ago.

After the meeting, Fellesforbundet confirmed to E24 that mediation was back on track.

Neither Yrkestrafikkforbundet, Fellesforbundet nor NHO Transport wanted to comment on the reason for the mediation that is underway again.

E24 has tried to contact Riksmekler Mats Wilhelm Ruland, but so far they have not responded to our inquiries.

Prior to the meeting, several of the parties on the employee side stated that they hoped the employer side would have something to offer them.

The strike continues

Communication director Andrè Nerheim at Fellesforbundet stressed during the meeting with the Ombudsman that the strike continues even though mediation is underway again.

– There is no reason for a pause in the strike. There is speculation in some places, it is not true, the strike continues as usual, he says.

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– Unusual movement

The Ombudsman himself described convening the parties as an unusual measure.

The meeting was the initiative of the Ombudsman to end the strike, which is now in its 10th day. The strike is the longest he has experienced since he was part of the Ombudsman’s corps, he tells FriFagbevegelse.

-This is an extraordinary measure, and it is up to the parties to the coming bus conflict, he said.

On Tuesday afternoon, Yrkestrafikkforbundet, Fellesforbundet, Fagforbundet and Norsk Jernbaneforbund from the employees and NHO Transport og Spekter from the employers confirmed that they will meet with the Ombudsman.

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Ten days on strike

Ten days have passed since the bus mediation broke on September 20. Bus drivers in Viken and Oslo went on strike and much of public transport in eastern Norway was affected.

This weekend, the strike intensified and on Saturday another 4,500 bus drivers went on strike.

The dispute in the bus conflict is, among other things, about workers’ organizations who believe that the wage gap between bus drivers and industrial workers has become widening in recent years.

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