The parties to the bus strike are summoned to the Ombudsman – NRK Vestland


This was stated by Yrkestrafikkforbundet (YTF) on Tuesday.

The Ombudsman has summoned the parties to a meeting on Wednesday at 12 noon.

According to Ytf, the purpose is to report on the status and see if there is a basis to resume the dialogue.

Around 8,500 drivers are now on strike across much of the country.

The Ombudsman, Mats Ruland, tells NRK that he has taken the initiative of a meeting to find out the status of the level of conflict.

-It is, among other things, the contagious situation that makes me try to dialogue between the parties, says Ruland.

You have left the fall break in an attempt to find a solution. Ruland denies that the health authorities have contacted him with a message that there is a danger to life and health.

Mats Ruland

CALL TO MEETING: Runner Mats Ruland has left the fall break in an attempt to find a solution to the bus strike.

Photo: Terje Pedersen

The union is hesitant

Linda Jæger, chief negotiator at Yrkestrafikkforbundet (YTF), says the association is waiting for what comes out of the meeting.

– We hope this can provide a basis for a new dialogue and that the employer can meet with us, says Jæger.

She feels that the will to hit among the members is great and that the drivers have the support of the people.

– At the same time, we hope to be able to obtain a quick solution to the conflict. Unfortunately, this affects third parties, says Jæger.

– Waiting for dialogue

NHO Transport CEO Jon H. Stordrange says they don’t have much news to tell the Ombudsman.

– But we expect a dialogue with the other party, and we meet with an open mind, says Stordrange.

He will not comment on questions about the infection status.

– We let the health authorities think something.

Jon H. Stordrange

WANTS DIALOGUE: NHO Transport CEO Jon H. Stordrange says they will appear at tomorrow’s mediation meeting with an open mind.

Photo: Moment Studio
