The outbreak in Ulvik: – – Dramatic and crazy



– It’s a dramatic increase, to say the least. We always thought there would be more here, but doubling it day by day is crazy, says Mayor Hans Petter Thorbjørnsen in Ulvik a Dagbladet township.

On Tuesday, 18 people were diagnosed with the infection, and people infected with the mutant were also known to be among them. Thus, a total of 53 people are infected with corona in the municipality, and the mayor believes that many may be infected with the mutation.

Spread on Hardanger

Spread on Hardanger

Working hard

As a result of the more contagious variant, close contacts of local contacts have also been quarantined, and the municipality is now working hard to obtain a full description of the extent of the small Hardanger municipality with just under 1,000 inhabitants.

– So I think especially about obtaining an overview of the crews in critical positions in the municipality. There is no control over how many are now in quarantine and how this will affect the functioning of the municipality, says Thorbjørnsen.

Ulvik 20210203. Municipality of Ulvik which is heavily infected with coronavirus.  Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB

Ulvik 20210203. Municipality of Ulvik which is heavily infected with coronavirus. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB
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On Wednesday, the municipality chose to introduce strict measures and shut down much of the operations. Due to the more contagious variant, the quarantine period was also extended from 10 to 14 days, also with retroactive effect.

– very surprised

The mayor acknowledges that in the course of the day or tomorrow there will be more positive test results.

– At least it’s not unexpected when you see how high the numbers are now.

BRITISH MUTATION: Norwegian Health Directorate Deputy Director of Health Espen Nakstad says vaccines may need to be adjusted for new corona mutations. Program Leader: Bjørge Dahle Johansen. Photo: NTB
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– Are you surprised?

– I’m very surprised. I think 18 was a high number, but 25 is an incredibly high number.

Several of Ulvik’s neighboring municipalities have also been diagnosed with infection in recent days, and several cases of the mutant have been discovered among them. Among others, Samnanger, Voss and Kvam are affected. The latter chose on Wednesday to introduce the same measures as Ulvik.
