The nursing home service and covid-19: – Sound the alarm in Oslo


On Saturday night, the nursing home service in Oslo says it will continue with all the measures that were introduced at the end of September, as well as introduce several new measures to reduce the risk of infection.

– When infection increases in the population, the pressure of infection towards nursing homes and health centers increases. In the last week, 16 employees have been infected and 113 employees are now in quarantine. There is an outbreak at the Lilleborg health center. An infection has been discovered in five patients living at home with temporary stays at the health center and in several employees, says agency director Helge Jagmann at the Nursing Home Agency.

– Traces of infection indicate that the source of infection is employed without symptoms of COVID-19 and that you have worn a bandage at work. This shows the challenge of a high infection pressure in the population. Many employees of the Lilleborg Health Center are now in quarantine and infected patients have been transferred to the municipality’s special unit for COVID-19 patients living at home.

WHEN: In this way, the vaccine, which is in development, can stop the coronavirus. Video from AP. Journalist: Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. 03.17.2020.
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Strict action

The agency’s director, Jagmann, throws very strict visitor rules.

– We now encourage people not to visit if in the last ten days they have been within a meter of people beyond their immediate family or household members. So we want to facilitate digital visits. This does not mean that relatives cannot go to the store or go out among people.

– But if, for example, you have given a hug to someone other than your immediate family or household members in the past few days, drove a car with friends or attended dinner parties, we will encourage you not to visit for the next ten days. All visits to institutions are scheduled in advance.
