The Norwegian Medicines Agency: Serious with 62 cases in Europe


The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has reviewed reports of possible side effects in people who have received the AstraZeneca vaccine. On Wednesday, the EMA stated that 62 cases of rare blood clots in the brain have been recorded in newly vaccinated people in EU and EEA countries.

– That the number is 62 is tragic, says the medical director Steinar Madsen of the Norwegian Medicines Agency to NTB.

– If we look at the background of those who have been vaccinated, obviously these are rare events, because there are many who have been vaccinated. But it is very serious for those who are affected by this, he adds.

Madsen notes that it is important now to closely monitor and collect as much data as possible in the future.

– When more and more cases of this appear in Europe, the question is whether it will continue. As long as people under 65 are vaccinated, there will likely be more cases, Madsen says.

He points out that in Norway it is believed that there is probably a connection between the vaccine and the side effects.

– But we need to know more about the age distribution, the incidence (in those vaccinated) and have figures on how many are vaccinated in each country, he says.
