The Norwegian Maritime Directorate discovered seven deviations and several flaws in the security policy at Hurtigruten


The Norwegian Maritime Authority recorded the following discrepancies in its additional audit of the Hurtigruten after the corona eruption aboard MS Roald Amundsen in July:

* Onboard infection reporting routines were not followed and it took several days before the shipping address was reported.

* Unclear command lines for responsibility and notification on board the ship and in the company. It was also unclear whether the ship’s doctor was employed by the shipping company or on the ship.

* It was not documented that crowning test exercises were carried out among the crew, nor that there was test equipment on board.

* It was not recorded in the tire diary that the crew was already ill on July 21, or that there was a suspicion of coronavirus. When the outbreak was a fact, it was not registered either.

* No risk assessment was conducted at the shipping company before the cruise began on July 17. The last risk assessment was carried out on March 26.

* The company has not followed its own security policy and has not implemented further established procedures and plans.

* The organization charts in the quality manual and the job descriptions in the staff manual do not match, and there are discrepancies between the Norwegian and English versions of the staff manual, including the job descriptions.

* An observation has also been made that staffing in the administration of the shipping company was reduced due to vacation cancellations and layoffs, and it was unclear whether the company had enough staff to plan and carry out the startup of the cruise.

Source: Norwegian Maritime Directorate Audit of Hurtigruten Cruise AS
