The mutated virus in Sweden


As is well known, Sweden closed the border with Norway before the weekend, as a measure to prevent the importation of the mutation virus from England. But now the number of cases of mutations is increasing rapidly in the neighboring country.

One of Sweden’s leading experts on epidemics is now demanding immediate action from the authorities, led by the Löfven government and state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

– We have a vastly much higher spread of infection than Norway and we have many points of contact with the UK, so I think it is unfortunately well established here, says Björn Olsen, chief physician and professor of infectious diseases at the University from Uppsala. to Expressen.

The Expressen article is based on yesterday’s infection figures for the two countries, which later showed that Sweden had overtaken Norway in the number of mutation virus cases, 95 against 69.

CROWN IN SWEDEN: Sweden has many deaths and infections as a result of the coronavirus against the population. Video AP / NTB
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Today, Norway has passed again, due to subsequent records, while updated figures for Sweden are not yet available.

– Norway has been hard as a rock

As is well known, a total of 25 municipalities in eastern Norway are now subject to strict lockdown measures in an attempt to kill the mutated virus, while the Swedes generally have fewer and milder measures in place during the pandemic. Professor Olsen praises Norway’s strategy.

– Norway has been rock hard in terms of testing, tracking and isolation. They have only a tenth of the deaths per capita than us, the same with Finland [som i dag annonserte at de også stenger grensa mot Norge]says superior.

These are the measurements

These are the measurements

Olsen believes that the mutated variant could become dominant in Sweden and could lead to more infections and deaths, if it is more contagious, as studies suggest.

He believes that the country must act quickly now and that bars, schools and public companies should be closed for four weeks. In addition, it requests that face masks be required in all indoor venues and testing requirements for everyone landing in Sweden.

– Two people shouldn’t be able to meet. This is the only chance that the virus will spread. Turn off and be sure to vaccinate as soon as possible, advises the teacher.

WARNING: The deputy director of health, Espen Nakstad, warns against going to other municipalities to use services that are closed in their own municipality of origin. Not everyone has noticed. Video: Lofstad and Karlsen / Dagbladet TV
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Expressen notes that countries like Belgium and France have also closed the partnership, but still have high mortality rates.

– Yes, but those countries have a much higher population density. In the three largest cities in Sweden, people live in crowded conditions, but in the rest of the country there are many people. Also, Belgium has a different culture where you interact more across generational boundaries, Olsen responds.

Recently, the total number of corona cases has dropped somewhat in Stockholm, among other places. The teacher warns not to let your guard down.

– yes [det muterte] the virus is more contagious than other versions, we can expect a sequel to the second wave, in which we are now. It can be changed in an instant.

Biden's new advisor is highly critical of Tegnell

Biden’s new advisor is highly critical of Tegnell

– A good strategy

The subject director of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Frode Forland, was interviewed yesterday in the SVT “Morning Studio”. There he said he has ongoing contact with Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

When asked if Forland thinks Sweden should introduce closures, he responds:

– If you find a wild infection, I think it’s a good strategy. But we [Forland og Tegnell] I haven’t talked about this this weekend.
