The municipality of Gjerdrum has published documents


– There is no one more concerned with finding answers to this than us, because it is our inhabitants who are affected by the disaster.says Mayor Anders Østensen (Labor Party) in a press release.

Berit Adriansen, municipal manager for planning and development, says they will make all relevant documents available in their file.

– We want total transparency in what has been done and what is being done more, he says.

The municipality will initially publish around 1,000 documents, divided into around 500 files, and will later publish more when they are ready. In total, the material comprises between 5,000 and 10,000 documents.

– The documents we are publishing now are about the areas directly affected by the landslide. However, we are not ready to post everything that we are sitting on right now. It is extensive material that must be collected and systematized before we can publish it, Adriansen said at a news conference Thursday.

– We expect an external review of this. The police who are going to investigate this will get all the assistance they need from us, he added.

In the press release, the municipality writes that through the publication they also expect “help from the public and the media to find the answers.”
