The mother of the victim to Dagbladet: – Do not shoot my son


PHILADELPHIA (Dagbladet): – Can you tell us what happens in the video?

– I asked the police to stop: «Don’t shoot my son. Please don’t shoot my son. “Then they shot him! It was very bad, God knows.

Cathy Wallace almost hiccups when she answers Dagbladet’s questions outside the family home in Philadelphia. Just 24 hours earlier, he witnessed two police officers shooting at his 27-year-old son Walter Wallace on the street.

BROKEN: Walter Wallace’s mother, Cathy, tried to hold her son, but she witnessed the police shooting her several times. Here he tells Dagbladet how he tried to stop the cops. Photo: Lars E vivos Bones / Dagbladet
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The greeting of the children

Now nine children have lost their father. Dominique’s wife has lost her husband. Mother Cathy and Bob a son.

Sons Samir, Sakawa and Sena line up in front of the microphones outside the family home.

– We always did things together. He taught me how to be a man, Elder Samir said.

REQUEST TRANQUILITY: Wallace’s father, Bob, called on violent protesters in Philadelphia to remain calm and orderly. – I hope people can show respect to us and the city. Photo: Lars E vivos Bones / Dagbladet
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– They stood up and laughed

The police fired at least 14 shots each, while his mother tried to stop him. According to the family and his lawyer, Wallace suffered mentally. It was the third time the police were at the residence that day. According to them, due to the disturbances in the houses. However, the family says they wanted an ambulance for the 27-year-old.

– They had been there earlier in the day and stayed outside. We looked at them and they stood up and laughed earlier in the day, she says at a news conference outside the family’s home Wednesday night.

PHILADELPHIA, USA: Dagbladet was in Philadelphia on Tuesday, October 27, and spoke with a neighbor at the crime scene where Walter Wallace was shot and killed by police. Video: Lars E claim Bones. Journalist: Trym Mature in the United States
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– We have good and bad cops. It is the system within the system. Someone must be held accountable for what he did. They shot him many times. I do not understand what is happening. I hope people show respect for us and the city, says Bob, Wallace’s father, when asked by Dagbladet.

Massive demonstrations

Big win collected

Big win collected

Video of the shooting shows Wallace while there is obviously a disturbance on the street here Monday afternoon. At one point, his mother tries to hold him back. The two policemen who had moved to the scene have their weapons raised.

Suddenly, the 27-year-old approaches them.

According to a statement from the Police armed with a knife. According to the police, he refused to drop the knife and at least 14 shots were fired. Mora and several witnesses flocked as Wallace lay on the ground. He was briefly pronounced dead at the hospital.

NB STRONG IMAGES: On Monday night, 27-year-old Walter Wallace was shot multiple times by Philadelphia police. Video: Instagram / liljrizzy and AP. Reporter: Madeleine Liereng / Dagbladet TV
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Father’s call

The police shooting has sparked mass demonstrations on the streets here in Philadelphia. On Tuesday night, 91 people were arrested and 31 police officers were injured. The protests continued until Wednesday night in great numbers in the city of millions.

Bob’s father strongly urged him to stop using violent protests and looting.

– I can’t sleep at night. every time I close my eyes I have flashbacks of more takes. It’s like my mind and body are frozen. I don’t want that for anyone, he says Tuesday night.

- What the hell is wrong with him?

– What the hell is wrong with him?

– Need help

He tells how his wife and Walter’s mother experienced the situation. She herself witnessed it.

– My wife said: “Don’t shoot.” She said that they must have a different approach in life. When they pull the trigger all the time, it’s horrible. It is a way of thinking. I wish no one would experience this. I need help and I don’t deny it, he says.

LAW INVESTIGATION: Philadelphia Police Chief Danielle Outlaw (center) was confronted by multiple residents Wednesday night during a demonstration about the Walter Wallace shooting. Photo: Trym Mogen / Dagbladet
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His father says he has worked as a garbage collector in Philadelphia for more than 30 years. A large portion of Wallace’s family and friends had gathered in and out of the family home in the Philadelphia neighborhood, where the houses are close together and a large portion of the population is black.

– I believe in the law and see if the law believes in me. I send an SOS. Don’t destroy the city! it is the father’s message to the protesters in the streets.

– It makes us look like animals.

According to the mother, the son, who dreamed of becoming an artist, made an album about that problem.

– He made a rap album about looting and everything. I hope everyone hears it, he says tonight.

KNOUT: Philadelphia Mayor James F. Kenney said he felt crushed by the family that had lost Walter Wallace. Photo: Trym Mogen / Dagbladet
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– The people who do it do not help me or my family, they do not show respect. They make us look like animals.

He also says the police knew the son had mental problems when they arrived.

– Extremely

The family’s attorney, Shaka Johnson, tells Dagbladet that he is dismayed by the actions of the police.

The men who intimidate America

The men who intimidate America

– The police were here earlier in the day, and I find it extremely emotionally demanding to think that you can call for help and end the people you called by killing yourself, he says.

He says he can’t understand the concept.

– The emergency services were called because an ambulance and medical help were needed. The police came and you see what happened, Johnson said.


Ready to strike mercy

Ready to strike mercy

The police have launched an investigation of the two policemen and have promised a full investigation. The two policemen have not yet been questioned

Police Chief Danielle Outlaw says none of the officers should have brought electro-shock weapons. He did not answer questions about what the police knew at the time of the call.

The shooting in Philadelphia comes just a week before the US presidential election, in a deeply divided country. The police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Jacob Blake earlier this year led to mass demonstrations in many parts of the United States.

Large demonstrations add to a corona pandemic worse than ever. In both the United States and here in the state of Pennsylvania, infection records were established in the last week.

Next Tuesday, Americans will go to the polls.
