The mother of the 17-year-old murdered addresses the accused directly in the courtroom.


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Both John’s mother and the accused’s father have asked for exceptions to the infection control rules to give explanations in the room where the murder and terror defendant Philip Manshaus is sitting, Budstikka wrote Tuesday.

John’s mother is also the defendant’s stepmother. She began her explanation by answering questions from the prosecutor about the time when she and the adoptive daughter entered the Manshaus family.

– Johanne was nine months old then. We were received with love and Philip expressed that it was very nice that we came, says the mother and looks at the accused.

Philip was five years old then. He and Johanne were the youngest children in the family.

– Actually, it is Philip and Johanne who have grown the most together, since they were the youngest.

– How was the relationship between Johanne and Philip?

– It was good, as I perceived it. He cared and cared for an older brother. Johanne was very proud of him.

During the first part of his explanation, John repeatedly looks at the accused.

  • At 16.07 on Saturday August 10, 2019, the police were notified of the shooting at the Al-Noor Islamic Center in Bærum.
  • When the police arrived at the mosque, they seized control of a perpetrator, Philip Manshaus. He was arrested with the help of people associated with the mosque. No one was hit by the shooting.
  • Later that day, Johanne Zhangjia Ihle-Hansen, 17, was found dead in a residence at Eiksmarka in Bærum. She was the stepsister of Manshaus.
  • Manshaus has acknowledged the actions of which he is being accused, but not criminal. He has asked for emergency help.
  • He has been in custody since he was arrested. The trial began in the Asker and Bærum District Court on May 7 and will last until May 26. We reserve the right to make a custody claim.

He got increasingly angry

The mother talks about how stepchildren’s attitudes toward immigration and foreigners developed. In the fall of 2018 he started at the popular secondary school in northern Norway and at Easter visited his home.

“Then he overlooked Johanne,” he said.

John’s mother tells how the accused was becoming increasingly angry. He sits in the witness box and looks directly at the stepson when he says:

– I said to him: “Philip, you are not well. It is not good to be so angry.” Then he got angry and said “hate is good”.

After an hour in the witness box, his voice explodes.

– I’m very fond of Philip. I think this is very sad, I have lost two children in one way.

Philip Manshaus appears as a clone of Anders Behring Breivik | Inge D. Hanssen
