The “macho talk” that could ensnare Trump


They don’t particularly like Trump’s style, but they fear the policies of the Democrats. Four years ago, suburban women were a group of voters who helped Trump tremendously into the White House. He defeated Hillary Clinton and won the majority of her votes by five percentage points.

Now the trend has been reversed.

In the 2018 midterm elections, there was a shift in areas outside of big cities, largely because of these women. Democrats advanced in many of the suburbs, winning a majority in the House of Representatives. It was especially college-educated white women who turned their backs on Trump. Among other things, they disagreed with his immigration policy.

Development has continued.

Desperate hunting in a state of crisis

Desperate hunting in a state of crisis

No chance no

In a poll featured in the New York Times, Trump is behind Biden in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but leading the way in suburban Milwaukee. Other polls show that Biden has a small lead in Wisconsin, where a large number of women believe the Democrat is the best candidate.

In 2016, Trump won Wisconsin with around 23,000 votes, Pennsylvania with around 44,000 votes, and Michigan with around 10,000 votes. If the result had been Clinton ahead of Trump in these states, Clinton would have won the presidential election.

TETT I TETT: Up to 10,000 people were together at an airport in Ocala when Trump was visiting. One of them was Dave Thorsen (70). Reporter in the United States: Trym Mogen. Video: Maduro / AP. Clip: Madeleine Liereng
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This is not just where the arrow points in the wrong direction for Trump. Now Texas is also a seesaw state. The state has not named a winning Democrat in the presidential election since 1976, and Trump is unlikely to have a chance without victory. Even in bright red Nebraska, which has only named a Democrat the winner once in the past half century, it looks bad for the president, according to Politico.

– If you look at the problems Trump faces in the suburbs, it happens again in several places. The fault you see in Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District (which includes the core of the Omaha metropolitan area, journal.anm.), You’ll also see in Dallas, Texas, Charlotte in North Carolina, Sioux Falls in South Dakota, and Orange County in California). “It’s a very constant theme for him,” Ryan Horn, a Republican media adviser in Omaha, told Politico.

When it comes to support among suburban women in the important states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida and Arizona, Biden leads by 23 percentage points, according to a new poll conducted by Siena College on behalf of the New York Times. Among female voters nationwide, 54 percent support the Democrat and 40 percent Trump, a Morning Consult poll showed in early October.

IHUGA FANS: Many Trump supporters braved the rain and showed up for the “Trump rally” in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on October 13. Video / Reporter: Vegard Kvaale
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- You can say what you want

– You can say what you want

– Chauvinism and macho talk

Trump has tried several times in recent electoral rallies to appeal to various minority groups, including precisely suburban women. Once again, he emphasized his earlier description of them in the old-fashioned way, as “suburban housewives” from night to Tuesday Norwegian time.

“I don’t want to build low-income housing next to their houses,” Trump said at a voter rally in Tucson, Arizona.

– It’s amazing how women like me on this site, right? He continued, looking at the crowd to his right.

This “outdated” rhetoric is one of the reasons Hilmar Mjelde, a senior fellow at the Norwegian Research Center (NORCE), points out when asked why Trump has lost support among the electorate.

TOUGH FIGHT: Trump has a big job ahead of him if he wants to regain the advantage over Joe Biden. At the same time, one of the groups of voters that greatly helped him escape to the White House. Photo: Jonathan Ernst / Reuters / NTB
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– The gap we see has a lot to do with education and ideological restraint. Trump’s chaos, harsh and vulgar rhetoric, chauvinism, and macho language do not appeal to pragmatic mothers who are concerned about health care, are socially tolerant, and are concerned about political and social stability in general. Many of these will still vote for Trump out of sheer loyalty to the party, he tells Dagbladet.

He notes that party identification remains the most important factor when it comes to who people vote for.

COMPLICATED: Several times a presidential candidate has won the elections despite having fewer votes than his opponent. This is how the American electoral system works.
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– As we are in the 1950s

Mjelde believes that Trump most strongly appeals to white men with low education and who have national authoritarian and conservative attitudes – men who cannot exactly be described as feminists.

The suburbs of the United States have also seen solid growth in recent years and are no longer made up of just the white middle class. They have become more diverse, ethnically and economically.

– Trump and his values ​​and voters are simply repulsive and threatening to many women, says Mjelde.

Hoarding Guns Before Elections

Hoarding Guns Before Elections

– We see the “mismatch” in the way Trump speaks to suburban women. Talk like we are in the 1950s, the mother wears a dress in the kitchen and the father works. Today’s suburban women, on the other hand, are independent and diverse, she explains.

Many Republican women took a risk with Trump out of sheer loyalty to the party in 2016, and many will likely continue to do so in this year’s election. But the question whether he is competent as president will no longer benefit him in the disabled United States is now, says the lead researcher.

– Most women (and men) want stability and results, but under Trump it is unrest and chaos that prevail. Trump will likely have to compensate with even greater support from white working-class and Latino voters, as well as black men, he will win this year. And he still has a reasonably good chance of being re-elected, because these are large groups of voters, too, he says.
