The loser in this year’s budget: the city council


It must almost be a breach of the promise for the town hall party. This is bad news for the city and good news for the right.

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On Tuesday, the city council presented its 2021 budget proposal. Here, Councilor Roger Valhammer (Labor Party) addresses the meeting. Photo: Eirik Brekke


This is a comment. Comments are written by BT commenters, editors, and guest commentators, expressing their own opinions and analysis.

Do you believe that? Wasn’t the city council’s budget proposal particularly fresh and intriguing? It could be worse. You could be our Bergen city council member.

Most important aps footprint is that well-being Not cuts off abruptly. The money goes to measures like funding staffing standards in schools and kindergartens. Labor measures are the same, but they are first and foremost matters of national policy.

It will not be the Bergen Labor Party that can celebrate. They only finance the advancement of others.

The saying goes that the municipal economy does not pass. Of course it’s good, but it probably won’t cheer voters to the chest.

The problem is not limited to the Labor Party. Today’s budget presentation shows that Bergen is not ready to meet the goal of becoming a fossil-free city by 2030. It must hurt the MDGs.

Close up of the kitchen in nursing homes it is not enough for KrF. And drug policy was a budgetary match this time, something that must be hard for the Liberal Party to swallow.

Last fall, the four parties presented a platform of the city council. There was a good atmosphere when the Valhammer City Council presented its platform. In the party, he was perceived as strong on issues such as well-being, work life and the climate.

If not Could make a majority with the Center Party and especially with SV on a budget, the city council agreed that their own priorities had to wait. Thus, an autumn was marked by the victories of SV, mainly linked to an increase in social assistance rates.

In fall 2020, there would be more party for the city hall party during the budget presentation. Electoral promises and investments should have plenty of room.

Then a smaller and smaller pandemic emerged, in addition to the fact that the economy is slower than expected for various reasons. In many ways, this is not your fault. But the city council has still ended in disability.

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This means the city budget for your finances.

There are different constellations that the city council can request by majority. However, most indications are that the Center Party and the Socialist People’s Party are the budget partners this fall, as they were last year.

The leader of the SV group, Mikkel Grüner, is not afraid to use clear language when speaking of the town hall.

“The city council leader now says that he will not begin to fulfill his own electoral promises, such as the free OFS. It didn’t do it last year either, so it shouldn’t be a surprise, “he told BT on Sunday.

On the SV’s part, it will be important to do something again with welfare rates this year. Also, they want a climate controller.

Grüner goes enough to negotiations with a good dose of self-confidence. In last year’s election, SV received 8.6 percent. In BT’s latest survey, the figure was 12.5 percent.

It has long been our malaise in the Center Party in Bergen. Now they seem somewhat more united than before, especially in the opinion that it is not only SV that will win clear victories in the budget negotiations.

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Morten Myksvoll: The city budget is not a party. Fortunately, discipline is needed for now.

The project with The Bergen city council is postponed in presenting the budget and the kitchen of two hospitals may be closed. There are two issues that the Center Party has set out to do something about. They probably will.

With two budgets In fact, it is simply a bad time for the city council. There are half-finished careers in the four-year period. Will OFS be free? Car-free areas? Sponsored activity card for families with children? There are many signs that many promises will never be kept.

It is a shame for the inhabitants who expected this to happen.

And very good news for the right, who can wait for the election campaign of 2023.

