The Liberal Party proposes to lower the national service times – VG


OPEN TAPS: The program committee of the Liberal Party will allow the municipality to decide when to close for alcohol service. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix

After the crown and bar stop is over, the Liberal Party will allow municipalities to serve beer as long as they want. Unnecessary, responds to overnight stops.

– We don’t need a national bedtime. There’s no good reason the state should decide when nightclubs should close, says Sondre Hansmark, leader of the Young Left and a member of the Liberal Party’s program committee.

On Thursday night, the committee will present the final proposal for the Liberal Party’s party program for the next four years. In the program, the committee, in a good liberal spirit, will give municipalities more power to decide their own hours of service.

– This is something that the municipality and cities can decide for themselves. Today, a municipality can also shorten the discharge time, but there is no possibility of extending it. This empowers people in everyday life, says Hansmark.

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The committee’s proposal will thus eliminate national regulations and allow each municipality to decide when the beer taps will be closed. Today, the municipalities themselves can decide how early they want to close to serve alcohol, but they are not allowed to close after three in the afternoon.

– What does not work with current regulations?

– This is by no means the greatest challenge of our time, but I think we should always work to give people more freedom of choice in everyday life, says Hansmark.

UNNECESSARY: Founder Jan Vardøen is satisfied with the requirements as they are today. Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

Works fine as is

Jan Vardøen is behind several of Oslo’s most popular restaurants and clubs. He sees no reason to change the current regulations.

– As it is now, with us closing at three, I really think it’s more than enough. The most important thing is that we can operate safely.

He believes that the industry needs predictability.

– What characterizes our industry is that we are usually exposed to change without actually being consulted. So you can think a bit what comes next? Says Vardøen.

You must work hard to make a breakthrough

Even if the Liberal Party adopted the proposal, it could be difficult to get through the Storting. Alcohol policy has remained largely the same in recent years. There is also not much support from government partner KrF.

– These are policy proposals with which I completely disagree, writes KrF health policy spokesperson Geir Jørgen Bekkevold in an email to VG.

DISAGREE: Jørgen Bekkevold (KrF) believes that the proposal does not have much to offer. Photo: Carina Johansen / NTB scanpix

Like Vardøen, he is satisfied with the regulations in force.

– The national border is established to protect those of us who struggle with alcohol abuse, not least the 90,000 children who are abused by their parents. I think the current border is a good tool to protect them.

Waiting for SP traction aid

Hansmark also believes that the editor can help in a number of ways if it ends up being real politics.

– If all nightclubs close at the same time, in big cities you can have problems, for example, with incidents of violence. They all meet in one place and one in one place.

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– How do you see the possibility of obtaining support for the proposal?

– It may look a bit bad before the election, Hansmark admits. He hopes it will be possible to form less traditional collaborations on the subject.

– We can hope that this year the Center Party will go directly home, which is for municipal self-government and more power for the municipalities.

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