The landslide in Gjerdrum | Stephen will postpone the New Year’s celebration for ten minutes, one minute for each of the missing.


– We are not a larger region than most people have friends and acquaintances in the area who may be affected. He is supported by the mayors of Romerike.

(Romerikes Blad) – The idea hit me when I went for a run this morning. I don’t know where it came from, but it just popped into my head.

This is what Stephen Meinich-Bache, group leader for Venstre in Rælingen and CEO of the hotel chain Classic Norway Hotels, told Romerikes Blad on Thursday afternoon.

Now he has taken the initiative to postpone the New Year celebration for ten minutes, one minute for each of those missing after the Gjerdrum landslide.

Read more: Politicians were quick to shout climate warnings after the Gjerdrum landslide. Now comes the expert with important clarification

– We are all anxious to enter 2021, but to postpone the start of the new year for a few minutes, out of deep respect for potential victims and family members, I think we should take the time.

– How does this affect you?

– It comes as a shock and unexpected. It occurs in a year that has been extreme for everyone. We are not a larger region than most people have friends and acquaintances in the area that may be affected.

– Great to hear that

The mayor of Gjerdrum, Anders Østensen (Labor Party), is of course very affected by the disaster in the municipality, but appreciates the consideration.

– It’s a very nice thought. That someone has thought such a thing is very nice to hear. Of course, we are involved in all of those things. I only heard it now, but like I said, I think it’s a good initiative.

Also Read: Risky Rescue Effort: – Search Homes in Landslide Area

Meinich-Bache explains in more detail why he has taken the initiative:

– We were eager to enter a new year. It has disappeared. After all, I think it should mark the end of a year. We are getting into something new and starting over, but I really feel this. It is really sad and I have the deepest condolences for those who have touched me. This must be difficult, continues the initiator.


– We postpone the celebration. We think a little more as the clock passes midnight and we reflect and come together to send some additional warm thoughts to those affected.

Read more: New situation in Gjerdrum: – Evacuation of 46 people

I think everyone cares

The Mayor of Lillestrøm, Jørgen Vik, thinks it is good to know that there are more people who want to show compassion for all those affected.

– I have recorded that there are many who have devised different schemes to show sympathy, but how you do it has to be considered for yourself.

Personally, Vik hasn’t bought rockets this year.

– Normally I think it’s terribly fun, but this year I want to stop.

At the same time, he does not want to criticize those who shoot fireworks.

– Even if someone sends fireworks, it doesn’t mean they don’t care. I think absolutely everyone does.

– It can be a great way to mark the event.

Ullensaker Mayor Eyvind Jørgensen Schumacher supports Meinich-Bache’s proposal.

– Right away I think it’s not a bad idea. A kind of ten minute silence for the missing, one minute for each of the missing, can be a great way to mark the event.

It will be a very quiet celebration for the search for wool.

– Anyway it would have been taking into account the infection situation in which we find ourselves, so for me it will only be a quiet evening with the immediate family. I don’t usually buy fireworks either.

At the same time, Schumacher describes the situation as unreal.

– It’s incredibly painful to think about. Ullensaker, as a municipality, does what it can to help Gjerdrum. We will continue to do so in the future. At the same time, it is important to say that Gjerdrum is already doing an enormously good job.

Ask residents to show consideration

Nittedal’s Acting Mayor, Inge Solli, believes that the celebration is a number of ways that you can show your sympathy.

– The exact way to mark the great catastrophe must depend on each inhabitant.

He still asks everyone to show consideration during the New Year’s celebration.

– Fireworks are not prohibited, but out of consideration for all those affected by the disaster, I urge our residents to show consideration when using fireworks on New Year’s Eve, says Solli.

Ask a psychologist

The Mayor of Lørenskog, Ragnhild Bergheim, has the following to say about the initiative:

– As mayor, I can’t do much with this in a short time, but I think it’s a good idea.

– How will the night be for you?

– We don’t usually send fireworks anyway, but what has happened is clearly on my mind. I have followed the rescue work in Gjerdrum for the last two days and will also continue it in the future. This makes a strong impression.

The municipality of Lørenskog had a contingency meeting on Thursday morning and is also ready to contribute.

– We want a psychologist available for evacuees in Olavsgaard on Friday night. If it is convenient, we also have several people who are prepared.

– It will affect all of Norway

Enebakk Mayor Hans Kristian Solberg has no comment on the celebration but believes the landslide will affect the New Year celebration for many.

– This landslide will affect all of Norway for a long time. I believe and hope that most people have a restful night.

The mayor himself will spend the evening with his closest friends. He also sends his thoughts to his colleague and mayor of Gjerdrum, Anders Østensen.

– There are probably many who think as much about him as about everyone else in the municipality, but it is important that now he can dedicate his time to the tasks he is doing.

– I feel empty

Eidsvoll Mayor John-Erik Vika was not aware of the initiative when contacted by RB, but supports the proposal.

– It is a great opportunity to show affection and consideration, both for the disappeared and for their families. What has happened is terribly tragic.

Vika also says that she feels helpless after what happened.

– I feel with a feeling of emptiness. I’ve been doing it since Wednesday morning.

Eidsvoll Municipality will assist Gjerdrum continuously if necessary.

– An entire village has been turned upside down.

Hurdal Mayor Paul Johan Moltzhau believes the celebration is a nice gesture of respect for those affected.

– A whole town has been turned upside down. What has happened will have consequences for a long time.

At the same time, he has not given up hope of finding survivors.

– We hold our breath and of course we hope it goes well. Hurdal has also notified if they are available to contribute if needed.

– There will simply be no celebration

Nannestad Mayor Hans Thue is badly affected by the landslide. He lives right on the border of Gjerdum and can look down into the center of Ask from his home.

– Personally, I want to enter the new year in complete silence. There will simply be no celebration.

– What do you think of the Meinich-Bache initiative?

– There have been an incredible amount of people who have presented a series of initiatives. Everything from social media branding to various fundraising campaigns. It’s great to see everyone who wants to contribute. Entering the new year exactly with ten minutes of silence, I think it can do many good.

Will silence the celebration

The Mayor of Aurskog-Høland, Gudbrand Kvaal, supports the proposal.

– I think that all the initiatives that remind us of such an accident are positive. At the same time, I don’t know how easy it is to convey such a message in such a short time. However, it is important to note when the tragic event took place.

– What do you think of the use of fireworks tonight?

– Fireworks are something we do to celebrate and, as the situation is now, I think it is important to stop the celebration.

– Very nice

The mayor of Nes, Grete Irene Sjøli, also supports Meinich-Bache’s proposal.

– It is very nice that each one thinks of alternatives to mark what happened. It is a tragic event and many thoughts go to those affected.

Sjøli personally will not light fireworks at night.

– New Years Eve is basically a party, but it won’t be this year.

Rapporteurs are also supported by Romerikes Blad editor-in-chief, Lars Lier.

– I think it is a worthy way to mark the tragic event.

Several are considering torches and shooting stars.

Meinich-Bache’s proposal is not the only one that has been made as a kind of call to mark the tragedy.

On social media, several people have come out and encouraged the people of Romerike not to shoot fireworks, but to light torches and shooting stars.

– The individual may decide how they want to mark the tragedy, but I hope I can get the entire district to postpone the New Year’s celebration. This is something I also want to encourage my friends and other acquaintances, concludes Meinich-Bache.

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