The Labor Party and SV proposal for a cheaper Autopass was rejected by the transport committee – NRK


The proposal of the Labor Party and SV to reduce the amount of the advance for the payment does not obtain a majority.

The parties wanted to reduce the amount to NOK 1,000, but the proposal did not win a majority in the Storting’s transport and communications committee.

This prompts county council leader Tomas Norvoll of the Nordland Labor Party to react.

– I am incredibly surprised that this action is not being taken. I understood that everyone agreed that it was a big challenge that you had to come with so much money up front, he says.

Tomas Norvoll, Nordland County, Head of Nordland County Council, County Council, Labor Party

Tomas Norvoll is the county council leader in Nordland and the Labor Party politician.

Photo: Kåre Riibe Ramskjell / NRK

Today it costs 3600 kroner to get an Autopass discount on ferries. If you can’t afford that much, you’ll have to pay full price.

– It is unfair, and then we are there that it is expensive to be poor. It’s about the living conditions of those who depend on transportation on our coast, believes Norvoll.

– It should be obvious

Although the proposal to the Labor Party and the People’s Socialist Party was rejected, the other parties do not completely reject the idea.

The majority on the committee asks the government to consider a lower advance for Autopass on the ferry. The case is being examined by the Storting on Friday.

The mayor of Herøy, Elbjørg Larsen (Labor Party), is very disappointed with the recommendation of the transport committee.

She is one of those who has worked for a long time to reduce today’s advance, calling today’s not a slap in the face.

Mayor Elbjørg Larsen criticizes the fact that it has taken so long to incorrectly correct the mobile network south of Herøy.

Mayor of Herøy Municipality, Elbjørg Larsen (Labor Party).

Photo: Svein Lundestad

– When you say you should watch it, it’s a slap in the face for us along the coast. It should be obvious that this is happening and that the majority has been reached.

Vevelstad Mayor Torhild Haugann (Samarbeidslist) sent a letter to the Minister of Transport and Communications in November) about the case.

He disagrees that the loss of ticket revenue is a problem because more people will have access to the discount program.

– I’d say it’s a margin for maneuver. We may not agree with the premise. First of all, how good are the framework schemes for transportation. There should be more money on the table for transportation, Haugann says.

Sp will be even lower

The Center Party has put forward a separate proposal, which goes even further than the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party. They believe that the amount of the advance should be the same as the deposit for an Autopass pump badge. It is currently 200 crowns.

– Ferry tickets are the perpetual toll of the coastlines. Entering with 3600 to get a discount is wrong. We want the same price for the autopass ferry as the tolls, says SP representative Siv Mossleth.

At the same time, he believes that it is important that people can pay a larger sum if they wish. Your proposal will be considered at the Storting on Friday.

– Just a lantern

Frp’s parliamentary representative, Bård Hoksrud, believes that the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party have not taken into account the finances surrounding their proposals.

– When you don’t have money in your alternative budgets, which the Labor Party and the Center Party don’t have, they really keep people playing. It really is just a bluff.

Bård Hoksrud

Bård Hoksrud, Parliamentary representative of Frp.

Photo: Nils Skumsvoll

Furthermore, he emphasizes that the FRP is concerned about finding solutions and is pleased that the government is taking a closer look at the price reduction.

– We want to reduce the down payment, but it costs money. For the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party, it is clearly something they forget, because they believe it will work with air and love, says Hoksrud.

Sp-Mossleth, for his part, says Hoksrud is posing a false dilemma here.

– It is possible to prioritize the same entry ticket for a discount for ferry passengers as for motorists. And Sp does not see the problem of more passengers accessing the ferry discount. It will equalize social and geographic differences, and make it easier for those who don’t have thicker wallets, he thinks.
