The Labor leader was surprised by the interest in cooking


The case is being updated.

– If it is important that people know how it looks in my kitchen, then they know it now, it is the dry comment of the Labor leader that a photo of his kitchen took off on social networks.

– That’s what it looks like here. At the other end of the kitchen is an ironing board where I iron my shirts, Støre tells NTB, who asks for a comment on the weekend’s political talk during a phone interview on a completely different topic.

The photo was taken by the VG photographer for an interview where the subject was, among other things, turbulence in the party and bad opinion polls. The interview was conducted at Støre en Ris’ home in Oslo, and especially some open wine bottles and Jägermeister on the kitchen counter have been commented on social media.

– It came to me a bit unexpected that the kitchen, where I cook, sit and read the newspaper and talk to my wife, should receive so much attention, says the Labor leader.

Some have also drawn parallels to a photo Dagbladet took of Erna Solberg in her messy kitchen during the 2013 election campaign.

When asked if the interview and photo were an attempt to “take an Erna”, Støre responds that he asked the VG photographer to decide where it was best to sit.

– They said I had to sit here because there was better light here, he says.
