The inspectors didn’t like the husky teddy bear on the windshield


Visually impaired objects on the windshield are something that inspectors from the Norwegian Public Highway Administration often have to crack down on when checking heavier vehicles.

Many drivers work and live in the cab. So maybe it’s not so strange that you want to make it a little homey. But filling the windshield with an array of sight-ruining objects still isn’t good.

This can potentially be life threatening, as the driver does not have a good enough overview of what is in front of and to the side of the vehicle.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for things to be removed and tables turned down before the journey can continue.

A husky on the windshield

Yesterday, the people of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration were in control at the Ånestad control station in Løten. A total of 160 vehicles passed through the checkpoint, 41 of them were stopped and controlled.

Among them was a driver who had simply placed a husky in the middle of the windshield. It is true that it is not a living specimen of the species …

– No, it was just a toy, but it was so big that it covered much of the driver’s visibility, says Arne Granerud from the Norwegian Public Highway Administration.

Horror Figures: One in four was banned from driving!

Risk of driving on someone

– But isn’t this unusual?

– No Unfortunately. It seems that many drivers do not realize how dangerous it can be. In the worst case, you can risk driving over someone because you don’t have enough visibility. It becomes quite paradoxical, when we know how much emphasis manufacturers put on developing vehicles with good and safe driving characteristics. Then drivers completely unnecessarily take away something as important as the view through the windshield, Granerud tells Broom.

Therefore, use and cleaning time was prohibited for this particular driver, before the trip could continue.

Horror Figures: One in four was banned from driving!

Risking a fine

– Some people understand the point immediately, but we suspect that others return the objects when they have left control. However, we do record such incidents. And if they are stopped again immediately, they risk a fine, says Granerud.

This was by no means the only use ban that was given during the inspection. Several other drivers had obstructive objects on the windshield, which had to be removed. Inspectors also found unsecured cargo, overloading, illegal mirror lights, and a pickup truck that had been ordered to separate, to name a few.

See what this driver had posted on the windshield

The case was first published on
