The government neighborhood will stop: – Waste


Marit Arnstad of the Center Party will stop much of the construction of the new government quarter in Oslo.

Today came the news that the project may be priced at more than 36 billion kronor. Arnstad’s chin dropped.

– It has been through stick and stone. We can’t defend that expense, he tells Dagbladet.

It once cost less than five billion to build the new opera in Oslo.

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– Waste

Arnstad believes that it is correct to rebuild the high-rise block. In addition, it will build one of the five buildings that the government has planned to build to bring together much of the ministry’s operations. The rest Arnstad believes that the state should not allow it.

– All other buildings must be shelved. We must take care of what we already have. It is a waste not to preserve R5, a building that accommodates modern ministry operations. And it is unnecessary to force the Foreign Office to move out of Victoria Terrace. The entire new project will also be a wall to Youngstorget, Greenland and the rest of downtown, he says.

– Are some of the buildings not adapted to modern government operations?

– Even if you have to make some adjustments, it will be much cheaper to take care of what you have to build something completely new.

Can the crown save block Y?

Can the crown save block Y?

Sheriffs and the government

The SP chief points out that the government is making savings in the districts, but is willing to spend large sums in the new government quarter.

– This is put into perspective when the government wants to close sheriff’s offices across the country to save a few millions. At the same time, they will spend up to $ 36 billion on this giant project in central Oslo, says Arnstad.

– We can save billions of dollars in taxes. We cannot use public funds to build as gigantic as has been proposed. And I also think that all the urban development in Oslo will be better if we stop this.

1.3 billion at the start of construction

But it is the price tag that is the main problem, as the Center Party sees it. If they end up in government next year, Arnstad believes it is natural to stop development after the construction of the high-rise block and the so-called Building A. Today’s plan is for the Storting to allocate money bit by bit, from year to year. In 2021, 1.3 billion have been reserved for the start of construction.

– What if we move everything to Eidsvoll, Gjøvik or Namsos? Outside the big city. Are you more interested then?

– I think it is natural that the government district is in Oslo, near the Storting, says Arnstad.
