The government is studying the basis for introducing a curfew – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


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Various countries in Europe have introduced various forms of curfew at different times during the pandemic. Norway has not yet done so.

The Ministry of Justice has asked Norwegian embassies abroad to report on how curfews have been applied and introduced in various European countries. Various ministries have also been asked to respond to the consequences of a curfew for the sector for which they are responsible.

The purpose of the work is to have the legal basis, whose curfew must be introduced. Preben Aavitsland, FHI’s chief physician, confirms that they have provided their opinion, but is silent on the advice they have given.

– You will need much more

The question is how far from Norway is a situation with, among other things, curfew.

Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad told NRK that it will take a lot for the curfew to be relevant.

– When the country closed on March 12, no curfew was introduced. Rather, we encourage people to move outdoors every day, but at a good distance from others. Mobility in society was greatly reduced due to the closure at the time, and infection rates fell as fast in Norway as in curfew countries, Nakstad says.

He says curfew is not an appropriate measure as the situation is now or is expected to be during the winter.

– But if the properties of the virus that cause the disease change significantly and compliance in society is significantly lower, it will be relevant to consider this type of measure, says Espen Rostrup Nakstad to NRK.

Denial of access

NRK has been denied almost all documents on the case to which we have requested access. The documents include headlines showing that it is an entry into “a possible curfew situation” and the possibility of a fifth level of closure.

Based on NRK’s ​​experience, the Ministry of Justice will present the legal basis shortly.

In November, the Ministry of Health and Care Services asked professional authorities to investigate the need for further hardening and shutting down of society, if the infection increases.

Stop level 5, as defined by professional authorities, means:

  • Uncontrolled spread in society and danger of exceeding the capacity of hospitals.
  • Accelerated incidence outside of known outbreaks. (This means you have no control over the spread of the infection)
  • More than 30-40 percent have an unknown infection situation. (This means that they do not know where they were infected)
  • Tracing infections is not feasible in many cases due to. lack of ability.

In such a situation of uncontrolled spread, it is relevant, among other things, to close businesses that cannot have a home office, and consider a curfew for all or part of the day, according to a document from the Norwegian Health Directorate, drawn up in November.

