– The government is fooling itself – VG


“DRAWER”: Nature and Youth was one of the organizers when young people went on strike against the climate in front of the Storting. They are disappointed with next year’s climate measures. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen

Nature and Youth reacts to the fact that large emissions cuts will not be included in next year’s state budget. They will arrive shortly, the climate minister responds.

By 2030, Norway’s greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by 50 percent. At least, according to the government.

In the state budget presented today by the Ministry of Climate, projections show that we are heading for an emissions cut of 19 percent.

– The biggest greenhouse gas cut in this budget is carbon capture. If we succeed, greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced considerably, says Sveinung Rotevatn, Minister of Climate and Environment (V).

The government presented the “Longship” project with fanfare. Greenhouse gas CO2 will be separated at Norcem’s cement factory in Brevik, transported to the North Sea and stored under the seabed.

Recently, the FRP questioned whether carbon sequestration will take place. The government needs the support of the FRP, but the prime minister denies that it can be removed.

The government has now set aside NOK 2.7 billion in the budget proposal, to begin with.

– Projections show that we are heading towards a 19 percent reduction in emissions, not 50 percent. You have said that it is not a good measure of whether the current policy works. Why not?

– Because they are conservative. The projections are important, but they are delayed a bit. They do not carry with them, for example, carbon capture and storage, because it has not yet been approved by the Storting, says Rotevatn.

CLIMATE MINISTER: Sveinung Rotevatn (V). Photo: Frode Hansen

Postpones major measures

Emissions in Norway peaked in 2007, long after the first emission reduction promises were made. Since then, emissions have been reduced by 11 percent.

– The most important thing is to see that it develops in the right direction, and this year we are closer to the 2030 goal than we were last year. But I’m not happy until I show that we are on the right track to reach at least 50 percent.

– Because the gap from 19 to 50 percent will close in nine years?

– We will do a great job in the coming years. The trend is going in the right direction, but not fast enough. Therefore, I will present a climate plan this fall, showing how we will reach at least 50 percent, says Rotevatn.

The climate plan is the government’s roadmap for how they will deliver on their promises. There are only two months of the year left, but Rotevatn doesn’t know when it will be ready.

“CLIMATE COURSE 2039”: In January, the Minister of Climate received the extensive list of proposals for measures to cut Norway’s greenhouse gas emissions by half in ten years. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB

The plan will build on proposals that were put forward in climate cure 2030, the list of specific climate measures for which the government can choose.

On the list was a topic that was among the most efficient and cheapest climate cuts: our food. Less food waste and conversion to a healthier and more ecological diet.

– Why is this measure not included in next year’s budget?

– That article represents large emissions figures, only food waste in Norway corresponds to emissions from aviation. There is no question that large cuts in agriculture are possible. But we’ll get back to it on the climate plan, says Rotevatn.

You will still find more oil

– The government is deluding itself if it thinks it can cut emissions in half by 2030, without showing the necessary priorities in the state budget now, says leader Therese Woie in Nature and Youth, adding:

– They have not built up enough credibility on the climate for us to be confident that the climate plan later this fall will have measures that reduce enough emissions. The state budget does not sufficiently limit the traffic of automobiles, airplanes, exploration or oil consumption.

– These measures do not correspond to the crisis in which we find ourselves. 2021 must be the first year that we get emissions to drop enough, if we are to reach the goal by 2030, says Gina Gylver in Nature and Youth.

– What were your expectations, which were not met?

– Money is still being given for seismic shooting and we will continue to search for oil, although we have already found more oil than we can afford to pump. That is the most important. Next, we want the government to reduce the development of monster highways and instead focus more on public transportation.

The Minister of Climate Affairs refers to the Ministry of Oil and Energy on the question of how continued exploration for oil relates to emission cuts.

– The government follows a predictable oil policy, says Rotevatn.

INVESTMENT IN TRAIN: Nature and Youth require greater investment in trains and less in the road. Here’s leader Therese Hugstmyr Woie (No. 2 from right) at a rally in 2017. Photo: Hallgeir Vågenes

Ask about investing in nature

Several of the organizations that fight for the climate and nature responded to an item apparently absent in the state budget: nature and species diversity.

A week ago, Erna Solberg participated in the declaration of a natural crisis.

This week came the state budget, where the Minister of Climate showed a list of measures for nature, which in total reached less than 15 million crowns. In addition, there is support for forest owners.

– This is deplorable! The prime minister declared a natural crisis last week. Was it just words? They must follow it with action, says Christian Steel, general secretary of the environmental organization Sabima.

He was given a climate budget review, along with representatives from all the major organizations.

– It is the municipalities that will be in charge of caring for and managing Norwegian nature, and now they receive only one million crowns for the development of nature plans. Not a million each, but a million in total, says Secretary General Maren Esmark of the Nature Conservation Association.

– WHERE IS NATURE? asks Secretary General Maren Esmark of the Association for Conservation of Nature, after she was able to see the climate budget. Image is from a 2015 demo. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Get nature conservation on climate plan

The Minister of Climate says that what the movement of nature demands will come. But not in this state budget.

– Where is the massive investment in nature and species diversity?

– Our nature budget will also increase next year. So I understand that there is always someone who wants me to increase more. Caring for nature is also about protection, like the nature reserves and national parks we’ve created, says Rotevatn.

– Why don’t municipalities get an investment in nature, according to the climate?

– We will propose many more policies to take care of nature. We have on the table a number of suggestions on how we should take better care of nature, which we will return to in the climate plan this fall, says Rotevatn.

– The plan will be very important, it shows how we will achieve the goals and is ready immediately.

– It will arrive this fall, but there are two months of the year left. It is urgent?

– It cannot be presented until the government agrees, but we will. Soon.

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