The good weather is approaching and the Akerselva waterfalls have received ten times more water


Maridalsvannet in Oslo must be drained. This makes the Akerselva waterfalls much more beautiful. At the same time, meteorologists promise that good weather will come.

Hans O. Torgersen

The Vøyen Falls in Akerselva were very beautiful after the flow of water increased tenfold on Sunday.

The water flow in Akerselva went from 1.5 cubic meters per second to 15. Many took the opportunity to take pictures.

– You should take the opportunity to look at the waterfalls, says deputy leader Per Østvold at the Friends of Akerselva Environmental Association.

It says that the Oslo municipality’s water and sewerage department announced on Saturday that the water flow in the river would rise from 1.5 cubic meters of water per second to 10. The reason for this is that the water level in Maridalsvannet and the other lakes in the field should go down.

– On Sunday morning we were told that due to heavy rains they would increase the flow of water to 15 cubic meters per second.

Østvold says it is far from just Maridalsvannet that is going to be drained.

– It’s a huge watercourse. Throughout Nordmarka there is one lake after another. Many of them, up to the border with Nittedal, are connected to Akerselva.

Sunday’s measurement of the water flow in Akerselva clearly shows how much more water is flowing into the river this day than it was earlier this fall. Photo: Norwegian Directorate of Energy and Water Resources

– It can be night frost

At the Blindern Meteorological Institute, state meteorologist Kristian Gislefoss confirms that it has rained a lot. But now he promises that rainfall will stay away and that there will be good weather in eastern Norway.

– It looks very promising with a lot of nice weather. What is important to bring with you is that it can quickly turn into night frost in the Oslo region. The daytime temperature does not exceed ten degrees.

Gislefoss says that October has started very smoothly.

– It was much warmer than normal, and then it was humid. Some places in eastern Norway have already exhausted their precipitation quota throughout October. Now the north wind blows and then the cold air comes. Already today there is a completely different type of outside air. Now is the time for slightly thick jackets.
