The flu vaccine will soon be over – VG


MUST RASE: FHI reports that they do not have enough flu vaccines to meet national needs. Risk groups should be prioritized. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

Due to the global demand for influenza vaccine due to the corona pandemic, FHI has only managed to obtain enough to cover two-thirds of the need.

In a press release Monday, the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) writes that they will soon be empty and that they must ration the last doses.

The rationing also applies to doses sold in pharmacies, they emphasize. The remaining doses should be prioritized for the target groups. This includes those with a weakened immune system and those over the age of 65.

– Due to the corona pandemic, there has been a record demand for influenza vaccine in the target groups for vaccination, writes the National Institute of Public Health.

– The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) has approx. 60,000 doses of the regular flu vaccine were left for risk groups and health professionals. Therefore, it is necessary to ration the last doses so that they can receive as many recipients as possible, he further writes.

Local differences

They claim that there will be differences across the country on whether there is a vaccine shortage or not. Many municipalities and health trusts have placed additional orders for the flu vaccine this fall, but some have come out faster than others.

– We now receive a series of inquiries from both health personnel and municipalities that it is beginning to run out of vaccines and that it is difficult to prioritize who should receive and who should not, says FHI senior advisor Kjersti Rydland.

It emphasizes that people in risk groups should check the municipality’s website to find out how they can get a flu shot and get in touch.

Global demand

According to the NIPH, the shortage is due to increased global demand for influenza vaccine due to the corona pandemic and fears of double infections, overlapping epidemic spikes and subsequent capacity problems in the health service.

This year, FHI has obtained 1.2 million doses, which only cover two-thirds of the need.

– We have tried to get several doses for a long time, but so far we have not succeeded. Of course, we are still working to bring more doses to Norway, says Rydland.

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