The ferry with passengers has been operating for several hours, being towed ashore.


(Rbnett): Saturday night was not as expected for the passengers of the Vestnes MF Karlsøyfjord ferry.

Route A on route 33 Molde-Vestnes with MF Karlsøyfjord was “temporarily canceled until further notice,” the ferry company Boreal reported in a traffic announcement at 22:09 on Saturday night.

At one thirty on Sunday night, the ferry was still adrift in the fjord as the Coast Guard ship Njord prepared to tow.

By then the ferry had been operating for three hours in Moldefjord.

It has been adrift in the fjord for 3 hours.

Of the passengers on board, Romsdals Budstikke is informed that the ferry that left Molde at 9:10 p.m. experienced an engine shutdown at 9:23 p.m.

Since then, it has been adrift at sea without engine power for about 1.5 hours, we are informed at 22:50.

– It is very special, but I have understood it so that they work with the engine, says a passenger who does not want to be referred to by name.

By 10:30 p.m. the ferry was almost in the middle of the fjord.

– We have been asked to enter the room and wait, but we still do not know anything else, the person in question tells Romsdals Budstikke.

Ask the Coast Guard to be on hold

The main rescue center in southern Norway is monitoring the situation in Moldefjord.

– MF Karlsøyfjord herself reported that they had had a “blackout” and were adrift in the fjord.

– From the driver since land and there is a lot of space so far so there is no dramatic situation, rescue leader Thoralf Juva told Romsdals Budstikke at 10:45 PM on Saturday night.

The ferry to Boreal is said to have requested its own towing assistance, but the rescue center has also contacted the Coast Guard.

– The Coast Guard ship ‘NJORD’ is at the Molde pier. We have asked them to be on hold. Hopefully the situation is resolved in a short time and the passengers get off the ferry, says Juva.

Turn off the light

At a quarter to eleven, the passengers received new information from the crew. Then they had given up starting the engines.

– Now they are trying to get a tug, but it may be several hours before we reach land. Those who have a car cannot get out of their car when we dock, which will probably be in Storkaia.

– Now the light is almost completely off in the saloon and it is getting cold on board, says a passenger on MF Karlsøyfjord’s phone.

Before midnight, the Coast Guard had gone to the ferry, and at 12.20 is very close to the ferry at Moldefjord, according to Marine Traffic.

The Coast Guard will tow

From Hovedredningssentral (HRS) Sør, we are informed at 00.30 that Boreal received no commercial towing assistance.

Therefore, it will be the Coast Guard ship “NJORD” that will tow. HRS doesn’t know where yet, but claims Njord is now preparing to tow.

So it will be a flash of light over the fjord, after the ferry has been almost dark for a few hours.

This case was first published by Rbnett
