“The Farm” 2020: – Exit of “The Farm”: – They revealed the same weaknesses


The competition on “The Farm” is starting to intensify, and as if it wasn’t difficult enough to reach the final in full force, those who enter as challengers get an additional challenge in an already established group.

That was the case for Asle Kirkevoll (63), who came to the TV farm long after the other participants. Sunday was also the “Farm” adventure for the 63-year-old from Geilo.

He came to the farm with a lot of relevant experience as a horse and fisherman, but when it came to buckets of milk he was not the best. It was shown tonight, when Kjetil Kirk (27) beat the opponent in a duel.

KIDS GAME: Kjetil and Asle competed in milk buckets.  The latter had to be beaten by the boy from the city.  Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2

BOYS FIGHT: Kjetil and Asle competed in buckets of milk. The latter had to be beaten by the boy from the city. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
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– It was not my branch there and totally bad for me. I have muscles, but I’m not good at static exercises, Kirkevoll tells Dagbladet after the loss.

He kindly takes the start and explains that everyone will be going home at some point, but that he would have liked to be in the final, which is only in a couple of weeks.

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– had won everything else

However, what he does not like so much is that Kjetil Kirk, according to the 63-year-old, did not choose the dueling branch himself.

– The boys wanted me to leave. They knew how hard he had worked with the plow a short time before and that he was exhausted in his arms and shoulders. If Kjetil had chosen himself, he probably would have chosen the ax throw, Kirkevoll believes.

HAD TO MAKE HOME: Asle Kirkevoll lost Sunday's duel and had to leave the farm just a couple of weeks before the final.  Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2

HAD HOME: Asle Kirkevoll lost Sunday’s game and had to leave the estate just a couple of weeks before the final. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
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He’s also reasonably certain that there would have been someone completely different who would have gone home if he had been a second fighter and had to pick a branch.

– I had won in everything else, but the milk buckets were definitely the worst I could get. Otherwise, he would not have smoked, he explains.

The 63-year-old is a farrier and has shod 18,000 horses during his time. Therefore, you think that static exercises and the way you have bent forward at work do not fit very well.

SABOTAGE: During Wednesday’s episode of “The Farm,” it is revealed that there has been a sabotage of the weekly allowance. Especially makes a participant enraged. Video: TV 2 / Private / Ingebjørg Iversen. Reporter: Henriette Eilertsen / Ingebjørg Iversen.
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Yearned for home

After all, though, Kirkevoll admits that it was nice coming home. In fact, several times during his stay he considered retiring.

– I longed for my home. There was so much noise from some on the farm, and someone who had to occupy so much space all the time, says, and continues:

– I considered retiring, yes. You get a little depressed but then you have to think of something to do and there is a lot to do on the farm. Then I took my thoughts away from those at home, but it was great to come home to them.

- mocked

– mocked

– classification

Kjetil Kirk, for his part, believes that he was never persuaded to choose a bucket of milk.

– When I was a great farmer and the challengers entered the farm, Asle revealed to me that his weakness is the static exercises considering the profession he has had for so many years. Your body is naturally affected by it, and it wasn’t something I forgot during my stay, Kirk says.

According to the 27-year-old, he was both rude and free-spirited before the game, and he was confident that he would take the victory home.

TOP: Kjetil himself believes it was the elimination when he knocked out the opponent and is sure he was able to hold out longer.  Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2

HIGHER: Kjetil himself believes that it was the elimination when he knocked out the opponent and is sure that he could hold out longer. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
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– I said I didn’t need to pack because I knew I was coming back, he jokes.

Kirk goes on to say that he and Kirkevoll became good friends on the farm, but that it is all about winning after all, and therefore you choose a branch where you are sure to beat your opponent.


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– I chose the branch myself. He did not speak to others and chose only for tactical reasons. Sindre visited me in the giant hut and then we talked about it, that Asle can throw an ax, for example. But since he himself said he was bad at milking, I chose him.

– He was overcome, he says in conclusion.

FLIRT: Already in the first episode you could see that Kjetil and Wiktoria got a good tone. Now they tell what their relationship is like today. Reporter: Jonas Hammer. Video: Thea Hope / TV 2 / Red Carpet
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