The families of the resistance fighters are considering lawsuits against Marte Michelet


His attorney John Christian Elden tells NRK that they are considering going to court if that doesn’t happen, but he waits and thinks it won’t be necessary.

– In the first instance, we hope that Gyldendal will remove the book and have some adults read it, and possibly come back with a book they can respond to, Elden says.

– Your ancestors, who are heroes, are scolded and hanged.

He says this means a lot to the family in question.

– It is very important to them when their ancestors, who are heroes, are scolded and hanged in ways for which there is no cover or source base. They need a reaction. Whether the judiciary is the best is something we must consider, says Elden.

Make an agreement with the use of fonts.

Gyldendal CEO Arne Magnus says they, along with the author, have done extensive work on the book.

In late October, Dreyers Forlag released a response to the book in which three historians address the use of sources and presentation in Michelet’s book.

In a VG article, Marte Michelet responds to the criticism.
