The execution of a Norwegian citizen sentenced to death (54) has been postponed indefinitely


– He is naturally very tired, but at the same time very relieved and happy that the planned execution has been postponed indefinitely, says his Norwegian assistant attorney Farid Bouras at the Elden to Dagbladet law firm on Saturday.

– We have received no guarantees that the planned execution has finally been canceled, it continues.

The man who has lived in Norway for the past 25 years and has an address in Oslo was sentenced to death for premeditated murder in Somaliland on Wednesday. The 54-year-old man claims he was attacked on the street without warning and defended himself.

– relieved

On Thursday his family was notified that on Saturday he would be executed by firing squad.

– Of course, we were relieved when Dad’s planned execution was postponed. Our hope is that the Norwegian authorities will press for an end to the death penalty. The hope is that the Norwegian authorities are as committed to Dad as they were to the two men arrested in the Congo. Dad fought back when he was attacked for no reason, says one of the 54-year-old’s sons.

In recent days, Bouras has held telephone conversations with the Somaliland authorities to prevent the death penalty from being carried out.

– He is very happy that the Norwegian media and eventually the Norwegian authorities have gotten involved and put pressure on the authorities in Somaliland, he says.

The Foreign Ministry has informed Somaliland that they hope the death penalty will not be carried out. On Friday, the Foreign Ministry met with a representative from Somaliland.

– We gave a clear message at the meeting that the death penalty is unacceptable and should not be carried out, and that the Norwegian should have access to ordinary judicial procedures, Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) said the same day .

(© NTB)
