The driver in a car is destined for prison


The man charged with negligent manslaughter after driving on a 13-year-old boy at Haugenstua in Oslo on Thursday, will be booked for prison on Saturday afternoon.

The man who is charged with negligent manslaughter after driving a 13-year-old boy in Oslo on Thursday night will be taken into custody at the Oslo District Court. Here, defender Harald Fjeldstad meets with the media on Saturday. Photo: Ørn E. Borgen / NTB

Harald Fjeldstad is an advocate for the man charged with negligent murder after driving a 13-year-old boy in Oslo on Thursday night. The man will be presented for custody at the Oslo District Court on Saturday. Photo: Ørn E. Borgen / NTB

Flowers and candles in Haugenstua, where a 13-year-old boy was beaten on Thursday night. The boy died in Ullevål hospital on Friday afternoon. Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB

Police are conducting investigations in Haugenstua, where a 13-year-old boy was beaten on Thursday night. The boy died in Ullevål hospital on Friday afternoon. Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB

The prison meeting started at 12.15 pm at the Oslo District Court on Saturday. Police lawyer Anne Cathrine Aga informs TV 2 that she will request that the man remain in custody for four weeks.

– The basis of our request for custody is that we believe that there is a danger of recidivism, and we note in particular that he is accused again of driving under the influence of drugs at the beginning of December, informs Aga to VG.

The man’s lawyer, Harald Fjeldstad, tells the channel that his client objects to custody.

– My client explained that he panicked. He was previously under investigation for driving under the influence and did not have a valid driver’s license, which may have contributed to the panic, says Fjeldstad.


Fjeldstad tells VG that the man admits to riding the boy.

However, the defender affirms that the man does not admit criminal guilt for driving under the influence of drugs. The man was convicted of similar crimes several years ago.

The man in his 30s was arrested at his home in Oslo at 1 o’clock on Friday night. He is now charged with negligent homicide, drugged driving and fleeing after the collision.

Drive drunk

The boy was hit by a dark Mitsubishi on the Maria Dehli road near Grorud station around 7pm on Thursday night. He died in Ullevål hospital on Friday afternoon.

Police say the man is also charged with driving under the influence of alcohol after an episode in Oslo in early December. It is not known what restrictions the police will require the accused to submit to during the prison term.

According to VG, the police attorney justifies the request for custody both with the risk of recidivism and the risk of loss of evidence.
