The director of infection control criticizes the bandage order: – Not very effective


The debate over the spokesperson has been on the rise since the coronavirus reached Norway. When the pandemic broke out in March, wearing a mask was not recommended at first.

This fall, however, health authorities turned around and now a bandage has been introduced in several cities.

Silje Bakken Jørgensen works as the chief infection control physician at Akershus University Hospital and criticizes the authorities’ decision to introduce a bandage order.

– It was absolutely crucial to toughen up, but it does not help to implement measures that do not work, says Jørgensen.

– People wear the same bandage for several weeks.

Inappropriate use

The director of infection control believes that a bandage order has little effect in Norway.

– We know that the infection occurs mainly in situations in which we do not use masks. Most people become infected when they are with family, in holiday groups with friends, or when working closely with colleagues, says Jørgensen.

In Oslo, residents must wear face masks when in public places where a meter distance cannot be kept.

– We wear masks when we are in the store and on the bus, but there the risk of infection is very small. Mouthpieces are more important in healthcare, not in private, says Jørgensen.

It looks like a “sleeping pillow”

Jørgensen is also concerned that the request for bandages could have undesirable consequences.

– I’m afraid that the mouthpiece will be a “sleeping pillow” for people. Some people probably use the bandage as an excuse for not following the other infection control measures, says Jørgensen.

The nearest infection-free municipality is asked to introduce Oslo measures: – Too strict

The director of infection control is not critical of masks, but says they must be used the right way to have an effect.

– There may be a pandemic that is so serious that we have to use a bandage, but then you have to do it well and be much more careful with bandages and hand washing.

– Has effect

Espen Rostrup Nakstad says that there are several reasons why health authorities have not recommended masks before.

DISTANCE: Nakstad recommends that people wear face masks when they cannot maintain a sufficient distance.

DISTANCE: Nakstad recommends that people wear face masks when they cannot maintain a sufficient distance. Photo: Heiko Junge

– The reason why it is recommended now is that there is a lot of infection in society. Therefore, the nozzles are recommended in situations where you are close to other people without being able to maintain the necessary distance, says Nakstad.

Nakstad agrees that bandages are not always an effective measure, but she still believes that they can help control the infection now.

Nozzles do not have a great effect on their own, but in addition to the other measures, they can have a small additional effect. That effect may be important in tilting the R number below one, Nakstad says.
