The cub Tara was attacked by the golden eagle


On Wednesday, Birger Ormestøyl from Tokke Township in West Telemark went for a walk with her two dogs; the elk dog Tikka (5) and the hunting terrier Tara, five months old.

Ormestøyl kept the moose dog on a leash, while little Tara ran loose beside him.

Tara, who with age hopes to become a good deer hunter, let him out on some ancient trails, where she knew there were no animals.

BROTHERS: On the trip, I was with the

BROTHER: On the trip, she was with “older sister” Tikka. Photo: Private
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Death cry

– He followed the trail into a fairly dense forest. Interest in hunting hasn’t fully materialized yet, so I like it to stand out a bit, says Ormestøyl, who has also been interviewed by Jegeravisen.

Tara disappeared for a few minutes, which is quite common. But then something happened that is not at all.

Tara started barking, and at first she sounded curious. But then he started screaming. There were screams of anxiety and screams of death, says Ormelstøyl.

He hadn’t noticed anything unusual during the trip, but he ran into the woods to the sound of the terrified cub.

FAITHFUL: When the owner of the dog Bocuk was admitted to the hospital, the faithful dog waited outside the hospital doors for a full six days.
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The attack

– I ran into the forest, at the same time that I yelled at the dog, he says.

As he got closer, he really understood the gravity of the situation. Tara had been attacked by a huge golden eagle.

It had a 180-centimeter wingspan and was ready to strike a second time. Tara weighs only 6 kilos, so the eagle would have no problem lifting her, says Ormestøyl

He estimates that at that time he was about 30 meters from the puppy.

KEEP THE WEST: Tara was wearing a yellow vest when she was attacked.  This left Ormestøyl until they got to the vet.

KEEP THE WEST: Tara was wearing a yellow vest when she was attacked. This left Ormestøyl until they got to the vet.
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Tara ran obliquely down with the eagle behind her. I ran as far as I could and got between them, says Ormestøyl.

The great bird of prey interrupted the second attack on the cub.

– The eagle was barely ten meters from me, when it turned off and flew towards the fjord, says the dog’s owner.

INJURY: After X-ray and a close check, the vet found that the eagle had pierced little Tara's left front paw, but the claw had thankfully stopped at the book.  Photo: Private

HURT: At the vet, after an X-ray and a thorough check, it was found that the eagle had pierced little Tara’s left front leg, but luckily the claw had stopped at the bow. Photo: Private
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Trace of blood followed

Ormestøyl quickly understood that Tara was hurt, but he didn’t know how bad it was.

– I didn’t find the dog, just a lot of blood, he says.

Thus, he began to follow the blood trail, and the further he advanced, the less blood there was.

Finally, the blood clots stopped completely. Then “older sister” Tikka took over the job and kept applying.

– Not after so many meters did we see Tara, who received us. And what was a bit special was that he did it, says Ormestøyl.

REST: After the attack, Tara will remain calm for a few days.  Photo: Private

I RO: After the attack, Tara will remain calm for a few days. Photo: Private
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– Luck

Tara was wearing a yellow vest, which Ormestøyl left on.

– I did not dare to take off my vest, he explains.

He checked on the pup right away and called the Seljord vet, who said he should come over right away.

The recipe: this is how the dog listens best

The recipe: this is how the dog listens best

At the vet, after an X-ray and a thorough check, it was found that the eagle had pierced little Tara’s left front leg, but luckily the claw had stopped at the bow.

They were then told to go home and stay calm for a few days, which is also a bit of a challenge, says the father of food.

– Now he behaves like nothing. The energy level is, to put it mildly, high, he says, adding:

– She’s a wonderful bitch. It was lucky that it turned out so well.
