The crown prince’s debut in trontale: – we will take back everyday life


It came about when Crown Prince Haakon read the Storting’s throne speech for the first time on Friday morning.

– In the period we are entering, the government’s goal is for us to resume everyday life, said the Crown Prince.

The annual speech is written by the government and marks the beginning of a new parliamentary year. For each of the past 30 years, it is King Harald who read the speech in a solemn ceremony, but this year Crown Prince Haakon had to intervene due to his father’s sick leave.

– For half a year, the coronavirus has affected our daily lives. The virus has come to life. Closed jobs. And it limited our freedom, the Crown Prince told the Storting.

Special atmosphere

The Storting room was also affected by the virus, with Plexiglas between the seats of the 169 representatives and far fewer people present. The building is usually full during the solemn inauguration, but this year only the highest powers will be present in the hall: the representatives of the royal family, the 169 parliamentary representatives of the country, the government and the Supreme Court.

– At a very demanding moment, we have seen Norway at its best. Together we have achieved a lot. Together we will persevere. Until we got back to our daily life, it sounded on this year’s trontale, which was naturally characterized by the crown.

The government says it hopes that a vaccine can be approved by the turn of the year and that the health service can gradually vaccinate an increasing proportion of the population.

– The hope is that we can go back to living life as we want.

– Unemployment too high

A big thank you to all who contribute to the work against the virus, and the government promises in the future to give all its strength so that all those who have lost their jobs go back to work.

– The high level of employment is the most important prerequisite for the Norwegian welfare society, said the Crown Prince.

The government announces new initiatives to bring Norway safely out of the crown crisis.

– The focus on competition should be strengthened. Some of the jobs that were lost will not return. Employees must be offered new educational opportunities to qualify for the new jobs that are created, the Crown Prince said.

In the speech, the government emphasizes that many who lost their jobs when the toughest corona measures were implemented are now back at work.

– But unemployment is still too high. Many still feel unsure about what the future will bring. If they will be needed again in Norwegian working life. The government will closely monitor the industries most affected. You have to avoid losing profitable jobs otherwise, it is said in the speech.
