The coronavirus, Bjørn Guldvog | Bjørn Guldvog with a disappointing message


The health director about a possible third wave of infection in the new year.

KONGENS GATE (Nettavisen): Health Director Bjørn Guldvog from the Norwegian Health Directorate tells Nettavisen that he shares Health Minister Bent Høie (H) concern that infection rates in Norway are not lower early of Christmas. See the interview with Guldvog at the top of the case.

– I hope this is the last press conference before Christmas, so I will take the opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Høie said.

The online newspaper spoke to Guldvog right after the Monday afternoon press conference.

– How do you see the development of the infection in Norway?

“We have had positive development last month, but that stopped last week, so I fully agree with Høie that we would like to see this development continue and infection rates have been lower,” says Guldvog to Nettavisen.

Also read: Norwegian Health Summit with a message for all vaccine skeptics

– Quite high probability

– How do you assess against this background the probability of a third wave in the new year?

– It is quite large as the situation now, so it requires an additional effort from each of us to avoid having a new large spread of the infection in January, he says.

Guldvog says it’s hard to answer why the decline in infection stopped, but he thinks we’re more on the go, on holiday shopping and traveling more, is part of the explanation.

– Changes quickly

– It’s too early to say for sure yet.

The health director does not think it is likely with travel bans from more countries than the UK.

– But here the situation can change quickly, he emphasizes.

Watch a video interview with Bent Høie here:


Great summary: these stores have started Christmas sales
