The coronavirus, Bjørn Guldvog | Bjørn Guldvog:


The health director is optimistic about the vaccine.

MARMORHALLEN (Nettavisen): Seven months after the closure of Norway, the corona pandemic is affecting the entire community and there is great enthusiasm for the vaccine.

Also read: Who should get vaccinated first in Norway?

Just before the weekend, we did a vaccination check with Health Director Bjørn Guldvog at the Norwegian Health Directorate.

Watch a video interview with Bjørn Guldvog on top of the box!

– What is the status of the vaccine now?

– Now it is the case that Norway through the EU agreements has access to four possible candidate vaccines, and we hope and believe that we will get the first vaccine deliveries, perhaps before the New Year and that we can start vaccination shortly after the New Years, Guldvog tells Nettavisen. .

Also read: The EU has started the approval process for the first corona vaccine

The development of this vaccine has not been painless at all:

– We hear that some of the candidates encounter some obstacles along the way, some get sick and then take the time to find out exactly what it is, he adds.

Guldvog finds the open process reassuring:

– It is reconfortable. We follow him closely, of course, so we are as safe as possible when we start vaccination in Norway.

Not all press conferences are as serious, as here with Health Minister Bent Høie (H) here:
