The charge against the alleged main character of The Million Adventure – NRK Dokumentar has been expanded


The Oslo District Court today decided to extend the custody period by four weeks, after Furu was first jailed two weeks ago. He is charged with aggravated battery.

When he was arrested, he was charged with receiving 7.5 million crowns. Økokrim has now expanded the charge to the fact that he has received NOK 11.2 million which may have originated from criminal activities.

The case has branches in several countries and the police need more time to follow the tracks abroad.

Did not accept custody

The court believes there is a danger that evidence will be lost if Furu is released now.

Furu has not commented on the issue of guilt. He did not accept extended custody in court on Friday.

– When no basis has been presented for what should be wrong with this money, in our opinion, there is no basis for incarceration, his attorney Anders Brosveet told NRK after the incarceration meeting.

Brosveet spoke before the ruling was ready. He has not responded if they anchor.

Attorney Anders Brosveet

REQUEST EVIDENCE: Furus’ attorney, Anders Brosveet, believes that no proof has been presented that the money originated from criminal activity.


– He received 11 million.

On Friday, January 29, Jan Helge Furu was arrested in Bærum. He was accused of listing, first for receiving 7.5 million crowns. The amount of the charge has now increased considerably.

According to the police, the arrest was a direct consequence of the Brennpunkt documentary “The Million Adventure”, in which Furu was appointed director of an investment project of more than 15 years.

Several hundred million crowns may have been raised. None of the investors have seen any of the money since.


What is the “million adventures” that people have invested in?

for answers

For more than 15 years, a group of Scandinavians have been recruiting investors for a project that would gather value in various funds in tax havens.

Tax haven funds must contain old money

Some came from Nazi Germany. Investors who can help redeem the huge securities should receive a share of the return. They were promised two or four times the return of the bet.

Summer shop

NRK and SVT have documented that at least SEK 116 million and nearly NOK 50 million have been collected. Actual amounts may be higher. One of the leading men claimed in Swedish law in 2010 that 255 million SEK and 92 million NOK had been collected.

Investors are updated weekly on the status of the “Project”

The group claims that Fairmont LTD is the tool to get the money. It must be registered in Switzerland, but NRK has not found documentation for it.

Several of the documents that the perpetrators have used to prove that the “Project” is real have turned out to be false.

Several of the banking meetings referred to by the culprits have not taken place, NRK investigations show. The so-called main bank of Switzerland is also unaware of the “Project”.

Ecocrime acted

The alleged Norwegian director was arrested on January 29, 2021, charged with aggravated robbery of NOK 7.5 million.

He was lured into investing millions: 15 years later, the money is still gone

– Insufficient evidence

Furu has claimed that he is just one of many investors in the project, known as the “Million Adventures.” Neither the district court nor the police believe the explanation. Ecocrime believes that Furu can destroy evidence or influence witnesses if he is released.

– It is important that we have control over the accused in the coming weeks, among other things to allow the questioning of several witnesses or perhaps accomplices, says police lawyer Johan Strand Moldestad.

Police lawyer Johan Strand Moldestad

WANTS TO INTERVIEW MORE: Police lawyer Johan Strand Moldestad requested that Furu remain in prison so that he cannot influence witnesses or destroy evidence.


Defender Brosveet, on the other hand, believes the police have not produced good enough evidence.

– Until now, nothing has been presented about what is relevant in the case, if the money is the product of a criminal act, he says.

Økokrim took Furus’s mobile phone and computer equipment when they attacked several apartments in Bærum. Several people have been questioned in the case. The police will talk to more people.

Money from sweden

Jan Helge Furu and Mikael Ivanoff

PARTNERS: Jan Helge Furu (left) and Mikael Ivanoff in a hotel lobby. The image is not dated. Pine joined the project in 2004.


Much of the 11 million pines are accused of having received, from Sweden. One of those who sent you money is Mikael Ivanoff. He is considered the main Swedish man in the investment project.

Ivanoff is under investigation for tax evasion, and the Swedish police suspect that he has committed serious fraud. The district court finds that Ivanoff should only have entered the disability benefits as income, at the same time that he transferred millions to Furu.

In Sweden, at least NOK 116 million must be invested in the project in which both have participated. In Norway, NRK has an overview of about NOK 50 million invested.

According to a 2019 ruling, Ivanoff received several million crowns for an embezzlement in northern Sweden. According to the Swedish police, Furu also received money from this embezzlement.

Watch the Focus documentary here:

They invested millions and were promised billions. For more than 15 years, small Norwegian savers have been waiting for victory. But now the main man is gone.
