The Center Party has become a popular movement in Sogn og Fjordane


The mood in Fjords County is summed up in one word: Change of government. This measure is a complete crisis for the right wing.

The rapid growth of the Center Party in recent years has started in Sogn og Fjordane with Liv Signe Navarsete as the main candidate. She is a very relevant candidate for prime minister next fall. Here he is with party leader Trygve Magnus Slagsvold Vedum. Photo: Terje Svaan / Adresseavisen (archive)

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42 percent. The Center Party has probably never been measured larger in any county in the party’s 100-year history. Are you targeting a clear majority?

The bottom line figures show that Sp is drawing voters from all corners of the political landscape. They do it strongly in women and men, young and old, in Nordfjord, Sunnfjord and Sogn. The Center Party is a popular movement now.

To the hero Sp At this level, the candidate for Prince Erling Sande will quickly become Minister of State if the party enters the government. Runner-up Aleksander Øren Heen gets a permanent Storting seat in this poll. Thus, third candidate Emma Berge Ness can also prepare for parliament.

Party leader Trygve Magnus Slagsvold Vedum has been singled out as one of the main reasons for the enormous progress Sp no is making. It will be too easy, even if Vedum does everything right during the day.

It’s very weird that an individual politician moves voices to such an extent that Sp does not. Take a politician like Kristin Halvorsen: In her prime years as SV leader, she was very popular. Most of the people who liked Halvorsen never voted for SV.

Honest who should be honored: The government follows a policy that sends voters directly into the arms of Sp.

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Last week, Klassekampen interviewed Linda Cathrine Hofstad Helleland, who is the Høgre district and digitization minister:

Trygve Slagsvold Vedum is trying to cultivate a conflict between the townspeople and the villagers. Through polarizing rhetoric, he tries to create a division. “If this is actually Høyre’s analysis of the uprising, explain why they lose, so sing along.

It is not Sp that has fueled the uprising. It is the uprising that has fueled Sp.

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Lower Vedum the party has expanded. Now voters perceive Sp as the party fighting against centralization on a broad front and not just defending narrower agricultural interests. This means that people in cities can also vote for Sp.

In this way, they were perfectly positioned to welcome voters who are desperate for a strong municipal economy, tough reforms, unwanted wind turbines and the closure of important institutions.

The party will probably fight to meet all the expectations of new voters, but that problem only arises after election night.

Erling Sande is the first candidate of the Center Party in Sogn og Fjordane. He begins the election campaign with almost every other county voter behind him. Photo: Oddleiv Apneseth

Here to the west It doesn’t seem like people are that worried about Vedum either. It always has our difference in Vestlands-Sp and how the party looks in Austlandet and Trøndelag.

Small farmers against big farmers. Working class versus upper class. Objective case against national objective. It is probably so in part. Liv Signe Navarsete received 30 percent in the 2017 election. Then, Sp got 10 percent nationally. Dama is a distilled counterculture.

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There is a good distance between the Westerners Kjersti Toppe, Nils Bjørke and Erling Sande and the Australians and people from Trøndelag like Ola Borten Moe, Jan Bøhler and Trygve Magnus Slagsvold Vedum.

But even if It hardly seems like it with the voters, the other party is also running in Sogn og Fjordane:

The poll is a complete crisis for the right wing. The civic bloc was not strong in Sogn og Fjordane, but in this poll, the FRP, Conservatives, Liberals and Christian Democrats score 27 percent. It is probably not possible to shout “change of government” much louder.

The Conservatives are losing their Storting seats to this extent. In that case, the Mayor of Sunnfjord, Olve Grotle, can be on the veranda of the Førde town hall.

In this poll, the Conservatives lose the Storting seat to Sogn og Fjordane. Fortunately, the candidate for Prince Olve Grotle is also very happy with the new job as mayor of Sunnfjord Township. Photo: Oddleiv Apneseth (archive)

7.4 percent to Frp it is historically weak. The party has lost credibility on issues such as taxes and transportation, and it also lacks profiles in the region.

Tore Storehaug has represented KrF at the Storting for four years and is running for re-election. Thank voters for their efforts with 3.6 percent support for this poll.

KrF has lost control on district politics and embarked on a conservative path of values. There are many Christians in Fjord County, but they care more about city finances and jobs than about biotechnology and abortion.

Tore Storehaug is a fiscal policy spokesperson for KrF and is running for a new term. In that case, it is completely dependent on KrF exceeding the barrier limit and receiving the compensation mandate. That is far from safe. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB (file)

Left fight with the impression that they are a party for the people of the city (and hardly that). Alfred Bjørlo will be the first candidate of the party. The popular mayor of Stad received 36.2 percent in municipal elections last year.

On the other hand, there is no guarantee of success in parliamentary elections. In this poll, the Liberal Party obtained 3.1 percent. My impression is that local liberal candidates do better the fewer people associate them with the party they are a part of.

Alfred Bjørlo is the main candidate of the Liberal Party. Despite the fact that it is for famous mayors to count, for example, only three percent think they should represent Sogn og Fjordane in the Storting. Photo: Marita Aarekol

For the Labor Party Is this a terrible measure? They have the mandate, but now they are down to twenty percent. Torbjørn Vereide is not a well-known candidate, and he will soon have to fight the Conservatives for this position.

One might think that parties like SV, Raudt or MDG could hijack some protest votes, but it doesn’t look like that. In Sogn og Fjordane, there is a question that applies to this choice:

Strong chorus Should the Center Party really?

